Saturday, April 22, 2006

ELECTORIAL feelings and whats with the government being too eficient statement?

oh yah...and those new "leaders", i can't imagine myself voting for them after hearing what they say on national television..

They actually said the government is being too efficient when dealing with crisis?...huh? did i heard wrongly or soemthing like that? damn... why do i want to vote for a government that ain't going to be efficient? then i might as well vote for the bush administration over and over know what i mean...

I vote for a leader that will be able to protect its people and do their best for the people...which is us....and there they are saying the government is being toooo efficient....damn i will never want to cast my vote on that one people....who knows what he will do when there is a crisis...sit back relax and wait till everyone is suffering then he start doing his job??? you gotta be kidding people...

If you wanna go for the election stuff prepare to work hard and work your ass off for us people...if you want us people to respect your ass off and show us you really care...if not...fusk off...and don't bother...seriously...running a counrty isn't a easy job dude! its not all about ideas and got to make sure your ideas and policy make sense't say things like...the government should be more slack when handling crisis...let the people learn how to handle their stuff properly...what?? damn!!

If you were to do are just getting paid for doing nothing a man do the right thing...if you ain't going to prepare to work hard don't join the race to rule the know what is singapore known for? they ain't known for CPF, or NTUC or GRC, or merlion of whatever you can think of...because whatever is in your head is all wrong..

SINGAPORE is known for its government being OVER protective over its people and at the same time taking good care of our economy and providing jobs..or what so ever... and you know what..all these over perotecting works well for me of us or those people who ain't experiencing and comeon...those young people saying the government should slacken up here and there stop caring...oh no...i ain't preapre to go back to those old days where there are lots of suffering where people has fish and grow veges for a living... i am pretty happy with life't be dumb and ask for things to go back to how it use to be ignorant people..

MAybe you might be thinking hey..this guys is being malipulate by the government...oh whaveter you might be right.. i am living a normal average life...and i am happy with it.. i don't see a need to i am naive and doesn't matter...

All i see is no point changing what we have now...lets stay to what we have now...and not be turning singapore into a united GRC of ASean...( its basically means don't turn us into a ultra free country people)...

The bottomline is...regardless of which party you are from...if you intend to not carry on the tradition of protecting us people...who happen to pay your salary and your spouses expediture your children's education and their expenditure, your house and your life...please fusk off and go do something else like play with you winnie and stop giving speeches..

oh yah and i don't really want to go back for mobilization...damn..


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