Sunday, April 23, 2006

FLYING overseas to find the girl of your dreams? that rocks!

Flying to europe to find my dream girl...nah...its kinda impossible for me...first i don't know anyone from europe and second europe is too expensive for me...

China would be satisfy both of the above requirement...i know someone currently staying in shanghai and its cheaper or much cheaper than part...she is a lady...gosh!

How nice can that be... i think it would be fun to travel to china in serach of the girl of my is so cool...

Actually yeah right like i have the guts to do that...damn....actually i have the guts to do that!! but...i just don't have the funds to do that kinda thing! money really that important?

DAmn...must a guy really be rich to be attractive? must he really have a career to be attractive? damn those movies!! its all fake people...if u don't have a career or you don't even deserve to live on!

So i am destine to lose to a fund manager working in a bank? what the heck!! oh man...oh well...thats life people...its all about looks, body, assets....i had enough of all these sh!t...fusk it..

no more rat race for me...actually i ain't in one...i mean i don't want to join the rat for now...

I should just sit back relax watched chee got sue on tv...yeah thats what i gonna do for now...besides that...i ain't going to put my head into it...shall not bother myself with such dumb stuff!!! what the heck am i talking about? who knows? i don't even know what the fusk i am talking about.! go play with you winnie


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