Monday, April 24, 2006

JC students are so much smarter than POLY think so?

what can i say... well...nothing much...its just that my brather tells me something about the JC vs POLY discussion on the strait times forum...well...erm...and he seems pretty unhappy about all these thigns going on...

alright..i hate to admit this but...these JC students are really some smart A$$ people... i mean lets be honest...they are the ones who are able to do well in their O's thus going into JC the prestige one as compared to POLY where all the rejects goes to...before you poly students get mad...hey.. i am from poly as well...

But some of my friends does score pretty well but they choose to go to poly instead...why...well i don't know i ain't one of them..

I just couldn't really agree with some of their reasons for saying JC kids are smarter...i mean...comeon at least convivnce this dumb poly kid here...people...

I agree with some jc students saying that..yes they only have 2 years and they have lots of things to cover in that 2 short comments... i ain't from jc..but does that make them better? i don't know... the lady who comment...i shouldn't reveal the name adeline koh (doubt i spelled it correctly but she wouldn't read my post anyway..i am a dumb poly kid) that Jc students are much smarter and better becos of the tight schedule they are running and all...well has she been to poly? i don't know...but it seems to me..dumb poly kids...does have lots of time..we are given the ultimate freedom to choose what you really wanna its kinda like a pre uni environment...

i don't think the point on the tight schedule makes jc student smarter valid..but hey.. i might be wrong..and if i ain't wrong...there are people in jc who doesn't really takes up cca...i don't know...i am just a dumb poly kid..don't blame me..

So personally i think its not really fair to compete 2yrs in jc with 3 yrs in poly...i mean you people learn different things...i mean you can get a business degree in 3 years doesn't means you can get a medical degree in the same amount of years to right? correct me if i am you can't really do that becos JC people are too smart to even be bothered to read my post...sorry i ain't mad...damn... i need to calm down...okie.. i am think thats that.

So the number of years doesn't really..ans the question on who is smarter...

Eh now to the second point...on yah...the govt presents awards to the smartest A$$ student in singapore...and they are all from JCs...well..i have nothing to say about that... it just means the govt thinks Jc people are smarter...thats all...its an opinion...not a fact my darling...adeline...koh...its the govt's opinion...

I think they do teach you that in sch right? actually i don't know...becos i haven't been to JC...does that kinda prove that the govt's opinion doesn't means JC kids are smarter?

come on people...i believe an NUS rad can do better by giving me more convincing reasons on why JC kids are smarter...

Seriously if JC kids are much smarter...than...lets not have POLy... i mean why do u want to have a country that produce dumb A$$ students and ultimately get laugh at and despise by the JC smart A$$ kids? banish all POLY and don't send you kids to poly...all to JC..solve the problem..

I mean so is poly there to produce students so they could be compared with the JC kids and as to make the JC kids smarter..or look smarter? i don't know...who knows..? i ain't god...i wish i was...but hey... i am just a poly kid...not even a JC.

Actually what i am really curious is...whats these all about? so what if you manage to prove hey...JC are smart A$$ kid and poly are like what everyone says...dumb A$$. so Jc is the winner...does it make you happy? so what if you win these whole forum debate? you know what...i think...the problem lies with..the one who started the forum and the one who doesn't stop it...and those scumbag publisher who keeps on publishing it...

I mean wow...i might consider being a publisher now...they are like scumbag number 2 of the society...erm...journalist still is number 1... i still hate them..and wanna join them! yeah!! scumbag rocks!

let i have any other thing to talk about? erm... no idea...oh.yah if the govt can change the overall opinion on this discrimination about poly kids...i would gladly vote you...forget about workers about poly party...hey...sounds fun to me... or...singapore democratic poly! (will i get sue? by joining SDP?) whatever...


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