Wednesday, December 27, 2006

extinctions of mankind is mankind itself

I can't help but to came out with a new idealogy about how we humans will are going to be extinct...seriuosly...they keep saying things like the earth considtions will eventually become so bad that we will not be able to survive and thus becoming extinct like the dinosuars...

But comeon we humans are like the most despicable living organism of all like parasites living off others resources without any natual predators hunting us...and we keep reproducing and all...but the main thing is...we are so damn good at surviving that we can adapt to any conditions even if the earth became a really bad places to live in...i mean no joke...look at how we evolve...and we might continue to evolve to suit the earths deteriorating conditions. We are survivors people..

But human kind will inevitabily meet its ultimate fate of extinction..and its no other than ageing joke...think about womens having more rights and becoming more longer needing males to satisfy them...they are no long force to have children....or i should put it as they can choose not to have children if they do not want to..its no longer an obligations like the olden days where women are required to have children and know...

As the world becoming more and mroe developed...women in most developed countries choose not to give birth to any more kids...its already happening in most developed countries...and japan is already facing that might be thinking nah...the overall world's population is still increasing...yes its is...but thats because we still have lots of parts of the world not fully develope yet....most of east asia and definately the land of all forgotten africa. CHINA and INDIA are slowly becoming developed and i am sure their population will eventually decrease of course not anytime soon...

I ain't saying we are going to be extinct soon...but seroiusly we will be extinct and its an inevitable thing...and no one can change it...not even tell womens that hey of you dun reproduce we will will not help...its in our blood that we selfish beings will come to a stage that all males will die and well its left with women who will not wanna give birth and then...slowly die...

No worries its too far in the future for us to be even bothered by it. Now now...althought i will never get to see the day where humans become extinct but i am so looking forward towards it.


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