Saturday, April 29, 2006

CHANCES of getting your dream girl is equals to 0%

I mean its simple...people don't get their dream girl...its obvious right? i mean try relating it to the phrase..." dreams don't come true, if it comes true it will be call a goal not a dream"

So does that phrase provide you with a better understanding? lets face it people...its your dream girl...its the girl you dream of every night when you can't get to sleep! its the girl you think of when you are shitting...when you are eating...when you are playing with your winnie... thats your dream chances of you even be with her!

You might know her name...after you gave her one... seriously i don't really have A dream girl... i prefer to call it dream girls...notice the differenceS?

Of course there are girls or girl i want to be with and i happen to know them...they ain't call my dream girl...if they are attainable...they are call my target.. you guys know how target practice works right? you don't neccessary hit your target...sometimes its about luck while most of the time its about your skills...

As for skills are close to 0% so...erm...i normally ain't a very good i always miss my target and they slowly become my dream.... but if you are really all means...aim properly...control your breathing...and please do not snap your trigger... feel it with your finger...let the blood flow through your weapon and hit your target HARD...and yes you know what i mean...

Well normally people don't practice what they say and yes i am one of those people...never a marksmen...and damn...i kinda having problems with too many of my target transferring to my dream side...

My dreams are kinda flooded with all these ex target and yes its begining to flood my bed every morning i wake up....erm...damn...thats bad...i seriously need to polish my "thing" less and get it to shoot at real targets soon..seriously.

hopefully i will clear both my dream and target simply means transfer all dreams to target and having all target attended too...damn...thats life only means mission impossible...die with no regrets and empty both your balls!


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