Saturday, April 29, 2006

BEING dead isn't fun! really...

Its tough being dead...i mean you can't enjoy yourself or do the things you want like when being alive...and i can do the things i want because i am still alive and a dead people can't because they ain't alive...

While actually being alive isn't all fun...i mean you get injure being can get bitten by a bug and feel sick or feel depress being alive...but if you are dead you won't have these kinda problems...however its still better being alive...i mean you can do lots of other compared to being dead..its like when you are dead you can't even do anything...even thought you won't be able to feel pain or sick or being alive...cause you are dead...however you won't be able to do fun stuff talk with your friends..look at pretty your fav. movies...i mean you can do all these stuff while being alive...but not when you are its really sad to be dead...

its better being alive...than dead...because i am alive...and i am not i can do lots of stuff while with my friends...and go my fav. food...and maybe admire my fav girl...but you can't do all these stuff being dead...but althought being alive has its down moments...i still like being alive as compared to being dead.....oh and one more thing i can to play with my winnie while being alive...can't do that when dead...

Anyway all these dead and alive things....are actually from earl's brother...he is really a cool it on channel 5 every sat.


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