Sunday, July 09, 2006

Econs theory ( don't read if you are a girl)

Economics is all about common sense and whats common sense? its a sense that even the common people know....its like the kinda sense where you don't have to have a PHD to know...

for example its common sense that after you ejaculate you will feel tired..therefore i don't have to be PHD in ejaculation to realise that i will feel tired after that tedious process..

My point is economics can be linked to our everyday life...from picking up girls to picking up girls...

Lets pick a scenario..and lets say there are 2 girls A and B. And then you have your budget line which is your...time, money and sperm. you budget line (BL) is kinda like your contraint and also like the market value of both girl A and B...and on top of your BL you will have your utlity curve of which simply means..your satisfaction level of consuming both girl A and B.

And let say if your ultity curve happens to be steeper than your BL it simply means in econs that you value the marginal value of girl A more than the market value of girl A thus you will consume more of Girl A and less of Girl B.

To put it in our terms.. it simply means..that the market which is your friends thinks girl A is okie...but because girl A can satisfy you so well as compared to girl B her marginal value is higher thus...regardless of what your friends think you prefer to consume more of girl A than B.

It simply means satisfaction is kinda more important than looks...but what kinda of satisfaction differs from individual..i am only giving a general explaination.

Now as you become richer or better looking...simply better off...your BL starts to shift to the right where you now have more capacity to consume more of both Girl A and B. However, if with more capacity or lets call it real sperm( the sperm you use on this 2 girls doens't means you have to shoot in can also means masturbation) you consume less of Girl A. It means Girl A is an inferior only consume her because at that point in time because you figure out...with your abilities you can't get prettier girls.

However if with more real now consume an equal increase of Girl means she is a normal good.

Okie enough of econs i am kinda tired...and i have nothing more to talk about or i am too lazy to try to link them...thats it for now....Oh if you are a girl this is in no intention of being sexist...


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