Monday, March 17, 2008

A pretty nice poem

Sometimes i wish i was a diamond ring
upon a maiden's lovely hand
And every time she wipe herself
I see the lovely promise land

A little nice poem to share with you people...ain't it sweet...

The journey was full of up and well some down....the down was pretty bad...and it was as bad as i imagine....pretty bad....

But managed to recover..well..ain't i some lucky....anyway all is yet confirm whether its still 100%...but although being conned a couple of times...i still pretty much have faith in it....why is that so?

Some people call it feeling...or hweeling....well...either which...its pretty strong...well at least strong enough to make be a believer! Yes i am a believer!....but...come to think about it...nothing is 100% till its probably proven to till its proven...its not 100%

Now its probably a good time to devise a test if its real...more or less have a plan in mind...but...who when and how to go ahead with it would pose a major problem and probably the greatest glitch that could happen...

Now now...i need accomplice and....actually thats all i need...i need someone i have never met before...its a difficult position...i need someone who look rather rich...well..we don't want any suspicion... age isn't a matter but actually i would prefer someone older rather than one of the same age as me...

Although all i need is an accomplice...its really hard to find someone willing to commit in getting this plan to work...i mean..what will they get out of it? unless i am willing to offer a sum of money then it will probably be a different matter...But the underlying fact is i ain't willing to pay any sum of money to anyone helping me...

Can we advertise it as a charitable event? i seriously need some help...or else sleep would definitely elude me till its settled. Well its mine future...and why should others care? unless...they are willing to spare me some pity...which i normally doesn't really appreciate till now...

Any MALE between the age 25 - 35 willing to help me out please...let me know i am seriously in need...and the job scope i would say is...well pretty relaxing...don't really have to do much besides being willing to spend money drinking and...erm...and some PR skills...thats all i need...thanks


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