Thursday, February 28, 2008

Brathers vs Girlfriends...

Disappointment can totally ruin your entire day people! god damn it! I mean with so much anticipation comes greater disappointment...Yesterday I was so damn excited and probably happy but today I am just another good for nothing person being in my room not knowing what i should do next..

My day has been totally ruin by the intrusion of my disappointment...Now i totally can't bring myself to do anything not to mention being immobilize in my own small room and not wanting to study. However i am sure i will get over it pretty in a couple of minutes i should over studying like how a boy should be studying.

What comes to my mind as i was sulking was probably one of the top 10 question a guy has to face in his entire life of manhood! IF you girlfriend doesn't like your friends...would you hand out with them less?

Now now...i do believe everyone truly encounter or probably will encounter this...i mean come on! Everyone has different likings and its only normal that your girlfriend doesn't necessary like your friends.

But I was thinking if she really love you and she knows they are your best pal...she wouldn't stop you from seeing them...i mean she doesn't have to TRY to like them....but...well...that would be the ideal scenario....since relationship is all about sacrificing....right? I mean you are already forgoing all your freedom by being attached so being in a relationship is definitely about sacrificing lots of stuff....not to mention money.

Ok but the key idea here is...well she shouldn't or can't barred you from seeing you friends...and if she truly knows the true meaning of being in a relationship she will sacrifice just bit of her pride and learn how to at least accept your friends. I mean after you forgo your freedom and money on her i mean thats the least she can do for you right?

But its comes a time are so bloody in love with her that even though she is vittun unreasonable you will still go ahead and tolerate it....who can i blame i use to be like that....(a victim of love spell)...But the greatest question is if she really truly hates your friends...would you stop going out with them? Wait here we are not talking about friends on the dark side....we are talking about probably buddies...a group of friends who happen to be in the different click from the girlfriend.

To be honest I wouldn't blame my friend even thou he decide to take another route which is away from us....i mean not that i would have done the same...but...yes yes brathers are forever....but we wouldn't be the one sleeping next to him and living with him in the same room or house. WE won't be the one satisfying his every cook for him and bath him blah blah should know where i am heading..

Its his happines we are talking about man...and if we are truly brathers we wouldn't take that away from him...but we would understand and support him and wait for him to breakup and return to our arms!! Of course we will not encourage him to breakup...then he will eventually regret and might blame us for it...we can only HOPE....curse from the back....and more hope...and more curse!

Thank goodness none of my brathers are like that....they all had very nice girlfriends and pretty understanding too...i think...but i don't think i can prove to be much trouble anyway...i don't smoke and seldom drink...neither do i sleep around....well can't be that of a bad guy right....otherwise i wouldn't get invited every year!

For those who are attached i hope you guys get married i can attend wedding dinner which i love going....especially if its my friends wedding worries you won't receive newspaper in the red packet from me...its a cheap old trick.

I would love to be one of the sister that help the bride torture the groom wait...thats probably not my job....assist i shall....blow and burst 12 condoms with your nose!! thank god i ain't a sister! Maybe we could change the scenario of the bride coming to get the groom! that would be fun...

But all in all...i wish all my brathers the best with their girlfriends.....this post isn't targeted at anyone of my worries..its just a thought..

To sum up.... I am in a bad mood....


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