Monday, May 01, 2006

DOES a guy who still moans over his EX attract girls?

Are girls more attracted to guys who recently just got dump by their girlfriends? I mean... is it really attractive for a guy to moan over his ex gf? i am not aimming at anyone in particular....seriously...i am not talking about brenz! i swear...i am just thinking it out

on some points i think it actually does makes a guy more attractive i kinda enhance the sensitive aspect of the guy...making him seems like those kinda guy who treats relationships very seriously...which is pretty hard to find in today's joke...even as a guy...i do agree that most guys ain't really satisfy with only one girl...

They prefer to have one portfolio with many different kind of investments...i guess its what we call in finance term...diversification...its works like if one investment fails you still have other to live on...

However it can really work against you..and we call it the butterfly effect...its like flap of the butterfly wings can cause a tornado to form...seriously think about it.. if let of your investments found out are actually dating more than one..and she decided to make a big fuss about might be thinking...ok...even without her i still..will be able to have returns from the other investment i have....BUT...what if...this little peice of information gets out and started spreading to the other investment...? will enroach the whole portfolio..and POOF!!! bye crash...start all over again...

so its really does have pros and cons to everything...erm...these post didn't start of as a investment topic...i actually wanted to talk about...sensitive guy and what kinda guys attract girls!!

guess i side track too much...but...nevermind..i will just hit back to the right path and carry on where i stop just now...

Like i was a guy that recently got dump and still moaning over his ex would actually manage to score a higher result than those like me...who didn't manage to get dump and ain't moaning over his ex...? well i think so...guys like me are so so so...worthless too girls...

They must be thinking...damn this guy is so heartless...first he dump his girl..than he didn't even get upset over it...this guys really..suck...(actually i don't suck..i prefer to be suck, but thats another topic for another time) and he really must be a guy who ain't loyal to just one relationships!

WEll well if any of you girls are thinking that about are so right...few years ago...yes i agree i use to be a jerkk..but hey...people change and i am one of those who change.. i am now a....erm..won't say a good guy...but a better person...i swear...okie i need to go and sleep its getting late beside i don't really have any mood to carry on with this topic!


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