Saturday, August 19, 2006


Have you guys watch the movie unfaithful? I can't take it no more!! Its killing me!! Whenever i watch that fusking show..its boils me to think that the wife aqctually cheats on her husband with a guy whom she barely know and i mean..come on!! after doing it with the other guy in public she even isn't going to give it to her husband at home!

What the fusk is this sh!t??? this is not right!! argh...this is killing me!! why why why is the tv showing this?? i mean she is actually happy about visiting her fusking boyfriend and neglecting her husband!! fusking hell!! She can't bare to not fusk? is she that fusking desperate that she had to do it with another guy? Her husband is really a nice person!! Does it mean that just because he can't satsify will have to find others? a guy with a bigger d!ck? what the fusk! Argh!! Why is my blood boiling? its just a show...but its so fusking real!! i mean case like that do happen!! what the fusk is this!! fusk fusk fusk fusk fusk!

I hate cheaters! At least even if you are cheating treat your husband nicely....don't let him suspect of anything!! like...have romantic s-e-x with the bathtub even when you already done it with your boyfriend in the day! And please your husband comes first...not your boyfriend!! always put your husband in first start getting horny and start to go fusking your fusking boyfriend! this is really killing me!

I can't breath properly...watching this piece of sh!t...argh!!! lord help me!! get over this anger!! this is so not right...

Anyway I went to sentosa today with a half-bottle of vodka and sat beside some british the exact same spot...where we meet alex and cata.. well...i thought probably by talking to some other girls i might just get alex off my i got drunk...or high then i summon enough guts and i approach the british girl...well i didn't really appraoch...i just turn my head and talk to her..since she was just like beside me!

Well I was so wrong... the more i interact with her...the more..i feel i need alex...or at least she reminds me of those time i was talking to alex.. althought she is bit different as in she is more talkative as compared to alex...and...she totally doesn't look like alex..

Anyway I started to think of alex more and more that i decided i should stop talking to the british girl i just lean back and lay down on the sand...and was drunk remember! then i drink more vodka and more vodka till the bottle is empty..oh and i am sufferring from a freaking headache!

oh just in case you are curious...well i didn't talk to the girl for long...we didn't have dinner or neither did i get her h/p number or anything like jut a normal conversation. Just being a friendly singaporean..thats all!

another thing struck me when she actually reply jerry and i...i kinda thought she thought we were cute thats why she bothers to even reply us...but the idea soon got burshed off by myself cause...i was constantly thinking of other girls and i was really drunk...wasted...

Probably i should start approaching local girls as not to remind myself of alexandra..oh its the same spot near 711.... Anyway jerry and i concluded that we are kinda like rascal and we just deserve to be r@pe by womens...and thats another story...oh and probably boob slap


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