Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Andy's seperation theorem

Is it necessary to draw a clear line between work and personal life? now that is a question to be answered...seriously..if your bf caught you talking on the phone with your male colleague even after office hours...should he even have the privilege of flaring up?

Well actually its important not to let your personal life get mixed with up with working life...i mean it helps you stay focus and not get affected by how many times your bf kissed you or wanna have sex with you. (you know girls are pretty particular about every single things their bf do and not do)

So having a clear line is strictly a yes yes...and not a no no. now define office hours... i am thinking its the period where u are in the office or suppose to be in the office or working outside the office but still working...technically its working if you ain't working...then its consider outside office hours and thus after office hours...and that will be your personal space. not to get mixed up between personal and working life...easy...your colleagues are just plain tools of communication while working...thus...when you ain't SHOULDn't even be toying with them...i dun see you hanging out with your computer after work right? like having fun with to it and stuff like these...well...there are some people who bring their laptop home...but its strictly on a working can be consider as during office workings...i mean strictly speaking its still part of the WORKING hours...

So if you ain't suppose to mixed with your working tools...after office hours...which is for the benefit of the society( as it lower the amount of bf getting jealous and flare up and causing both of you not being in the mood to work thus lowering productivity and thus lowering GDP causing recession, leading to lower profits and companies increasing prices to cover the profits loss which then lead to inflation...all because of you mixing your god damn work life with your personal life).

So for the god damn benefit of the entire economy...please please please refrain from talking to you colleagues after office hours AND during lunch break...therefore...the optimal productivity would be when no one is gonna have lunch with anyone from the same company during lunch break. Everyone should eat alone and not speak to any colleague when you ain't working. This is the best strategy every company should employ and thus the country.

Why lunch break you ask? easy...its after office hours...and you ain't working...

So enjoy your personal life and continue treating your colleagues as mere tools of communication that helps smoothen the process of working. Cheers to the economy!

Now now after i shit..i realize this theory of mine is incomplete...what if you ain't attached? good question ain't it... well the answer is simple...god damn it get attached..because love is what get the world going...and if there ain't love then..the world ain't going to get moving fast enough and thus it will lead to an even worst problem solve...cheers to the economy!


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