Thursday, December 20, 2007

Singapore History: Part 1 of the conspiracy theory

There is something i can't figure out after watching the movie national treasure: book of secrets. How the hell did they manage to clear thomas gates name? i mean how by finding the treasure helps in proving gates isn't one of the co-conspirator?

I mean the name of thomas gates is on the missing finding the treasure only proves that the map do exist but it doesnt mean that thomas gates isn't the one of planned and mastermind the assassination of the president...don't get me wrong i ain't saying that i insisting that thomas gates IS the mastermind...but i mean i just don't get does finding the treasure proves he is innocent?

Oh well..its a cool movie but not as cool as the first one..i the first movie the clues that link everything together is really cool...this one is but not as cool...nevermind...i am lost somewhere...not sure what i am saying...ultimately not as cool.

This ain't a review on the movie...i am just bored and curious...

Anyway after the movie i was thinking maybe singapore has a treasure waiting to be found too...think about it...why did Raffles picked singapore instead of some other place...maybe there is something here that other places doesn't it really because of the location? i mean..thats what every explorer says when they found a new island...its all because of the location...or there is something more than that?

What if when raffles found singapore he thought nothing about it except the entire crew wanted a break and refill their supplies..and as they venture in to the jungle...they found a tribe or kingdom.

In the begining they are welcome by the people from the kingdom as they have never seen westerners before. They were treated with respect and showered with lots and lots of food. Everything were going fine till Raffles crew started to realise this people here have lots of treasure like gold and precious stone. Well greed got to the better of them...and they plan to rid the entire tribe so they can get their hands on these treasure.

Upon knowing this conspiracy Raffles tried to stop them and the only way to convince them was to trick them into not killing the tribe as there might be a greater treasure within the island. But neither did Raffles know was that the island did really have a greater treasure. Its so secret that only the tribal leader knows about it and its buried deep into the jungle at a secret locations. No one else knows about it as the location is only pass down from generations to generations by the tribal leader to the next.( No one except me)

After manage to convince the crew..raffles then had to convince Britain that Singapore was the perfect location for trading and requested to stay put and develope singapore.

Well yes all this would probably take years and the crew at stupid enough to wait that long for the immigrants to set it... But Raffles was smart and the told his crew that..there is no way the tribal leader will reveal the location and he will rather die then to do Raffles came out with a plan saying that by clearing the jungle they might be able to find the treasure themselves...and they only way the tribe will allow them to do that would be to pretend to help build the infrastructure and indirectly improve the life of the tribe.

However the tribe was skeptical about stay here for a long period of time with the building of infrastructure and stuff but after Raffles assure them that the greater treasure is worth the wait..the crew decides to stay and help. But with limited amount of help Raffles then request that they needed more people and immigrants was necessary in helping to clear the forest and building infrastructure but assuring them that the treasures will not be distributed with the new people and only among themselves...thus the crew agrees and this is the begining of immigrants coming into singapore to trade and work. However without any resources available in singapore, Raffles then thought of turning singapore into a port thus resources from world wide would pass through this island and this allows them to carry on with their work.

But what the crew didn't know is that with the influx of traders and immigrant it made it nearly impossible to even leave the island with the treasure without being notice. The crew immediately know they were being tricked and wanted to get rid of Raffles, to there dismay by now singapore has law and order and his crew members are being captured and send to prison..

Well i am getting tired of writing this story its getting no where. Anyway he found the treasure but decided to hide it so that the British empire will not find it and destroy the entire city of singapore. He left hint and clues around like the coats of arm which is being used in Raffles Institution and Raffles Junior College.

Clues are left all around like there are certain types of plants are named after him and all these are part of his on and so forth...oh well No matter how much i hope its will never be true and this is a boring story...i am out of here.


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