Friday, December 21, 2007

English teacher REVIEWING!!!!!

I am so sorry my post are full or grammar errors and its really difficult to read with all these nonsensical errors and probably spelling errors. Oh and i am so god damn sorry about my ignorance in singapore's history...and not getting my facts right...i have no idea that Raffles didn't came to singapore to refill theri supplies...gosh...what a stupid mistake...

WAit...IF raffles really did want to refill supplies in singapore then i would not be writing a story i would be just replicating history wouldn't I? If i really did follow history exactly...then there wouldn't be any point of me writing this god damn full of grammar vittun story would i?

Actually if this post isn't good enuogh for you...please save yourself and your eyes and probably your so god damn almighty life and don't read it...the last thing i want is for my post to ruin someone's fantastic life with my broken english and poor grasp of the english language. Pardon me for all this crap..

Well yes i dodn't take criticism well..and thats me and thats who i can say I ain't no gentlemen...well If you read my post I don't think i gave anyone the idea of me wanting to be a god damn gentlemen...

Who the hell say one should forget and forgive someone and be the almighty one? Screw that guy who cam out with that should always bear should always live to see their enemies suffer and laugh at them...this is life...stepping on your enemies and look at them from the top laughing and smearing shame all over their face.

The person who said one should always forgive and forget is the one who is screwing up your life...and what you waiting for? bear all the grudges you have...its the only will feel one will feel happy seeing your enemy leading a better life than will only be truely happy if you see your enemy being at his/her lowest and suffering...thats the way to true happinest..

SO if you don't like what you read...then at the top right of your browser i believe there is a on it and you will be free from crap...

Thank you for all your support and i welcome criticism.


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