Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Damn it i seriously misses the glorious state of california...all the homeless people, all the friendly and pretty ABCs and all the freaking cheap clothes...

You will never believe how damn cheap the stuff were...10 bucks for AX tees...come on! its freaking cheap...but wonder why didnt i buy a single stuff from AX..oh yah i thought it was a waste of money and thought it was still expensive till i realise today that actually normal clothes in singapore were pretty expensive like GAP...i mean...GAP cost like a whopping 50 over dollars...gosh...

I swear i didn't know clothes in singapore are so freaking expensive...i mean...its not even produce locally for god sake...its produce by the glorious cheap nation called CHINA....where labour are so dirt cheap that probably the cows are worth more.

DAMN who would have thought stuff over here are really expensive...aiyah...we need a stronger currency but its not really possible too... And we are paid so little compared to the americans...actually i am in no position to complain about that..i don't wanna be sue....no politics...sorry..

One thing i would like to complain about would be the quality of our advertisement...i never thought that advertisement could be a form of entertainment till i enter the land of creativity...damn! Local advertisement...is a total failure man...i mean...seriously if you can't produce or come out with good stuff just follow the chinese copy and claim its yours...DO NOT show us crap...and just think we might just accept the crap...come on!! we are obedient but not dumb! okie maybe we are...but thats not the point..

its probably enough of complaining for now...i realise this post is nothing close to being interesting....crap..


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