Thursday, July 13, 2006

The 4 T

why do i keep hearing the name sharon everywhere i go...gosh...this is too much to handle...

Is it a sign by whoever is up there that sharon is the one?

I thought its just a matter of time..till i have a hundred reason not to think about you. But its juts not so...after all these time...i still can't let go..i still got your face painted on my heart...burn into my soul....edge into my memory..your kiss still burning on muy lips...touch of your finger deep inside me...

That is how i feel everytime i think back...yeap yeap...what can i say...give me a sign!! should i jeapordize my frenship with the finnish sister and start wooing her? i am so confuse...wait...thats another post...damn...i am confuse by my own heart.... so it is sharon or alex...who is it? wait..or is it kate...or is it cassandra?

Okie now i have like 4 targerts, a girl whom i treasure my frienship with, my ex-gf who I still miss, A colleague whom i can't be myself when with her...or a girl at work whom i never even talk to before...or maybe i said sorry to her once for blocking her way...thats it..

So these are the 4 targets...which one shall it be..shall i focus my investment or diversify?....given the current would be a better choice to diversify my will just yeild a higher gain or i could minimize my loss...yeah...i think that would be it...minimize losss and reap a higher than average gain from the 4T. yah thats what i wil call them...4T

U=4t+c where U is Satisfaction and c is cum...yeah...thats how it will be!! well done soldier....vittun vittu...( it means fusking fusk)


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