Sunday, January 27, 2008

commanding respect

Respect....well its true that one should respect oneself...before commanding respect from others...

Question...between having food and respect which one would you prefer? you can die holding on to your respect or you can lose it...and eat...and of course live...which would be the preferable choice?

Well most would probably say...keep the respect/pride...or whatever you call it...and then you can die...and repay your parents for bringing you up with full or respect bring it with you to the grave...its cool...i mean everyone make different choices....i won't say its wrong..

But losing your "respect" to stay alive...ain't really a bad thing least you know by staying alive for now there is a chance for you to gain that back eventually...unless you are those kind who would lose it and never want it back...but i would say...most people would want respect...

seriously who wants to be look down upon? i would again say no one....and i would say people who THINK they would rather die than lose their respect...are people who are living a rather comfortable life right now...example singapore..

You think your life sucks...(well i always say mine sucks...but its just out of context and well i am just bitching) think living in singapore (talking about avg singaporean here) doesn't have to worry about having food tomorrow....doesn't have to worry about basic necessity day in day out. Thats why you have the time and even effort to bitch and complain how the govt ain't taking good care about your puny life!

If let basic needs ain't even satisfied...would you even think about life upgrading? having more shopping malls? or whether a casino should be build? come on! face it man!

When your daily needs to survive ain't even being wouldn't even think about respect...anything that will probably bring food to your family is a form of respect..anything that would provide you with a better life or your family with a better life is a form of respect.

Now another question...people said..respect isn't for someone who doesn't respect him or herself...lets talk about a hostess (someone who accompany guys to earn optional)...if she is doing that so that her family doesn't have to suffer...from extreme poverty.. do we still consider her not respecting herself and thus...not have any form of respect for her?

I don't know whats the ans...seriously...i ain't no saint...besides i am sure there are people out there who would counter this idea of mine...with some extremely logical reason...anyway its just a thought.

It might be hard to understand why these people do things like that...well who can blame matter how difficult your life are living in singapore where your needs are more or less satisfied...there is no way you can put yourself in their shoes and understand how they feel...neither could i...thus...i normally wouldn't tell someone "i know how you feel" unless i been through it myself...

Well its just a couple of questions and probably if you have some spare think about it...

P.S. I swear I am not targeting anyone when i typed just happen to inspire me to type a post like offenses to anyone.


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