Sunday, January 20, 2008

Process really do Matter

You know how people always say..its not the results that matters but the process...well they are screwing you up by saying that...

Things like school one cares if you study or what if you study everyday and by the end of the year...your results isn't as expect it will still do u no good.

Things like money one cares how much effort you put in trying to earn that buck...but when you do not meet the necessary target...then...out you go...see its the results that matter...

Things like these happen everywhere...even in relationships...your partner doesn't care how much effort you put in to please her/him... once it doesn't meet their are branded not trying hard enough...come on!! how fair is this?

i can go on and on...and this post will never end...but i wouldn't want that would i...too long of a post will be tough to read.. but i am still going on...cause given not lots of people read all the stuff i type online...i won't be that much of an irritant in terms of percentage..

All these little things are inbuilt into your everyday life....guys do not the process of masturbation is...they only want to achieve the results of firing...yes sure they will fantasy here and there....but simple the end results is what really matters...

Come on no guys would wanna pump themselves so hard and when they are about to shoot they just stop...that would really be torturous foolish too...imagine having cum stuck halfway in your don't even wanna get their..

But luckily there is one thing that...god has created that a way helped counter all this discrepancy in life... Yes all have guessed it correctly...its the 3 letter word call sex...or some ladies like calling it love making...or scientist call it mating...or sexual intercourse...actually it isn't the name its the process...

This is one truly marvelous creation that allow all mankind to enjoy the process instead of the end result....and thats why i say when someone tells you its the process that matter...he/she is talking about screwing (which is another term for sex).

Now when a couple( I use the word couple cause..well these no longer both male and female to contribute to a sexual act) have sex they truly enjoy the touch of each others skin and smell and everything that belongs on the others body..

Its definitely one mesmerizing moment...imaging kissing your love ones...hugging them...smelling their hair(only apply to guys) licking depends on individual and i shall not go there..and squeezing them tightly..and again it various from individual once again..

Ultimately what i wanna say is that process in this scenario really matters....its the action of pumping in this case that one likes a guy who would just pull his trigger and shoots the very instant the target appear...well...they prefer the tactical movement around or towards it....hide in the bushes...and slowly crawl in...if you get what i mean...

well...if there ain't no bushes...well...without cover maybe a charge towards the target might be necessary..still it might be deadly...

Trekking up and down the valley might prove to be a tedious task too...especially if its mount everest...however as a guy...i seriously...prefer to work hard climbing mountains...well it kinda give you more achievement...that you conquered it.

besides that...swimming or sailing across the wet river might prove to be treacherous too...however trust me on this prefer it wet than navigating across the nevada desert where not an ounce of water can be found...dryness is your brother's worst enemy...

I seriously think i am kinda drifting too far off my original topic....well in this case i shall head back...pardon my atrocity all the being single and looking at women with firm butt and nice long legs have been getting me little bit hyper...and since i can't enjoy the process i shall attain the results..

Just to summarize...when someone said process is what matters...the person is outright hinting at something...and depending on the gender of the might considering running away from him if you are a guy.


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