Thursday, May 11, 2006

DON'T cry your heart out!

Leaving the girl you really love..just because you know she will have a better life..without you by her side. Its not that you ain't good enough...its just that fates decides that if she is with you..she will lead a worst off life then she would have without you in it!

To do that..she must totally not aware of your existence...but if she happens to know your existence she will fall in love with you and you both will be together and...bad things will start happening to her.. call it fate or destiny...whatever...but what will you do?

what will you do? isn't it hurtful that...the girl you love don't even know your existence?..and its not because you think she will reject you..its because you know if you happen to be with her...her life will turn for the worst....what a heck of a one will do this kinda things unless you can go back to the past and change certain events....or maybe a look at the future...guess no one is able to do things like that eh....


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