Thursday, May 11, 2006


I am a born worker!...i just realise i am a good worker not a leader...because i ain't really good at planning and deciding on stuff...but if someone delegate a job to me...i will get it done with all my might and strenght i ain't i a follower?

Well i am too stubborn to really follow people...but i am a worker...damn...being a worker sucks! it means the highest i go will be a supervisor level...if the society promotes according to your working abiltiy...but no....this world we live in is kinda fuskup...its like firm produce at the equilibrium...they produce according to demand...

Thus theory and reality is diff...people...therefore someone with my calibre will still be able to be promote to manager with big of sucking up skills...well..its a skill which i currently doesn't possess...but i believe i will be abel to train and accquire that skill require to survive!

Its like a cheat code kinda thing...yah...wonder if there is a equation for it..i mean...everything in our world can be link to a mathematical just happen that way...i wonder who are these "wise people" coming out with all these equation...don't really know how it benefit us commoner...damn!

if my life can be define by any equation i hope its a linear equation..meaning its a straight line going up...all the way...not a quadratic...which would be a curve..because being a will take some time before it reachs the least a linear is stable...but...actually think my life would more or less be a complicated equation which i at this moment can't solve! dream life...y=mx+c

Lets take the above equation and i will explain how it is related..
m being the gradient...its how your life..progess..well if you are a high flyer you will have a high M..low flyer...or diver then low M dun worry...seldom you will hit negative M because this is a dream equation remember?

Okie lets continue...C would be your begining...for example..if you are born with a golden or silver or crude oil spoon...then your C when X=0 will be high! means you start off with a high Y intercept..

So as you have guess.. Y would be your standard of living...since a high C which is the y-intercept will means a person born in a dream equation..Y will keep the infinity...hell yeah!!

Well as for x its kinda like your time frame or age...depends how you interpret it... so the bigger the value X and with your constant M gradient and plus what you have when you are will have a high standard of living...of course its pure will not be this case...its total bullocks to think you will hyave that kinda life...becos..normally..people tend to lose what they have when they are born..that is the C...or they doesn't inherit their parents

Most likely your equations will be a quad and a very complicated one...and you can't solve it unless you use...all kinda of formula out there and its most likely to be form up with weird weird variable...which i don't know...cause i ain't a nobel prize winner!

Ok i dun really feel like continuing..althought there is more to life than just all these...qoute of the hour...if eating brains kinda helps you nourish your brain then eating nuts makes your nuts stronger!


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