Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Singaporean proverbs

I am sick and tired about proverb from other countries...why can't we a country with limited history come out with a couple of proverb ourself?

Here goes...oh yah...like the saying says....

1. When the sun shine, the water evaporates!
2. When there is rain, there will be river!
3. When some girl wearing short skirt walks up the stairs, look up!
4. Great talker gets the girls!
5. When the going gets tough, forget about it!
6. When there is a will, there must be death!
7. First CUM, LOSER!
8. Pain and Love is only seperated by a thin line!
9. Regetting over a mistake doesn't help, but its better than not doing anything!
10. If you think you are good, You ain't!
11. He who hesitates lose the girl..!

Enough of proverbs..kinda sick of it already...anyway never never say the words "I LOVE YOU" when you are not sure....because i swear these 3 words are very precious.

So don't say these words when you can't fulfil these 3 words..


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