Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The deadliest poison of all!

I swear i have never felt so much pain in my entire i know how my previous girlfriends felt when we broke up...its the feeling of wanting to see the person yet you think that person let you down greatly....damn....its one torturous night....i hope i will never have to go through it again big time...

Thank god i recover almost over the night...through lots of sleep...apparently...i am one who get in and out a relationship pretty fast like lightning...well can be good or bad...not sure...enjoy the process and get out of it when its still fresh!

I guess its retribution for me...all the pain and suffering i cause others are all reciprocate back to me last wish i could cry to get rid of the sadness thats inside me...but i can't force it out...i can't sleep cause the gloomy heart wouldn't allow me to....its worst of all..

Tired yet can't sleep....sad yet can't really is a tool to torture puny beings....who the hell invent this stuff! gosh...!

All these pain are cause by betrayal...which is the most powerful tool under the category love...ain't no kidding people...first...they strike you with love...then when you are in in...they cast betrayal over you...damn...then you are doom...the gloomy spirits will haunt and depending on how high your resistant is to might cause a deduction of H/P at a constant rate till you are recover...

No potions in the world can cure this curse man....well only the person who cast it can probably relieve the pain...or make it worst!... The only cure would be like i said your ability to forget and probably with another person casting love spell over you...but the first approach would be preferred... if not you will be in a pretty volatile love cycle...which isn't a good thing

Well i just realize its a recurring poison....because out of no where i am feeling the pain again...damn just as i thought i recovered...maybe i need a slightly longer time then i expected...GDI (stands for god damn it)

well CNY is coming so i hope all of you happy falling in love and emerge yourself in a eternity of poison~!


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