Sunday, February 24, 2008

Degraded posting abilities

I have received comments that love has totally degraded the quality of my once irresponsible and wicked humor its just all lovey dovey and plain irritating...

What can i say...marriage is the funeral of a guy's life! And falling in love is just a way to prepare for that long awaiting funeral.

Well if you think about it...everyone around you especially your relatives kinda hope you die young! every chinese new year they will be asking when are you getting married blah blah a way they are indirectly pushing to your death....the white funeral.

Actually i haven't got any of the above questions from any of my relatives....i wonder i consider too young to get married in my family? well probably....but how come all my other friends have already receive their death statements?

Probably due to my baby face...i am always considered to be the young boy who is still a virgin....except to my mum...cause she knows i ain't a virgin....but then again...i can be a virgin in many other different ways...

i mean come on! think its possible to even find a virgin in this country right now? well not to mention those underage...then again...even not all underage are virgin!!! I doubt i will ever find a virgin gf...well not that i really mind if she is a virgin...just that its pretty interesting to see how amateur a virgin would be..

I mean i don't really mind guiding my girl throughout the process...then again sometimes i would also pretty her to be in control....i can't be working out all the time....this is just can 2 person be having fun and only one working? no way people! give the man a break!

Actually a girl doesn't really have to be a virgin to attain the above " amateur status" You might have done it before...but that doesn't really boost your experience level if you ain't doing it with the right person...if all you do is to lay there and do nothing then...i would say 10 years down the road you will still be a "virgin".. now the term "virgin" here refers to someone who ain't experience in sex...

But if you are experience try not to fake it...cause the moment you got rather high...the guy will know you ain't a "virgin" and it can be rather depressing! No one liked to be lied too...duh!

wait...i am seriously drifting here...i don't think i start out talking about virgins and sex...vittu...oh least i ended with i am having a serious problem of choosing my title for this post....damn it...


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