The story of a guy and a hostess
A guy who have been struggling for years to understand whats true love have finally found it. After years of dating he is still looking for the question that forms the foundation of all relationship...Is he truly in love with the girl he is dating?
Every girl he has been with he ain't confirm whether he is really in love or not. It just seems as thou he is going through the entire dating cycle without really 100% know if he is in love.
The day finally came in a scenario least expect by everyone! The story goes....Its a boring day for the guy, thus decides to go drinking with a couple of friends at a new club. As the night drew closer he met this girl that he kinda liked and they chat. Well this girl ain't a ordinary girl, she is a hostess working at the club jobs to approach clients like that guy and well you can more or less expect the rest.
Initially it was just some harmless fun between the guy and the girl, nothing much going love at first sight going on either...this is different from any hollywood love story.
However the plot doesn't drift that much, they did exchange numbers and since then the guy have been contacting the girl ever since. Well it ain't love just messaging for frens..
Well sadly or predictably the guy started to have some liking for the girl...but being rather skeptical about it since well...she is a hostess...nevertheless with lots of different situation that really drew them closer and closer.
It eventually pass the point of no return (PONR), that is the point where it will cause major heartache if they were to be seperated. The guy simply can't be at ease without seeing her or listening to her voice.
Yet the girl doesn't want the guy to hit the club as she doesn't want him to be constantly drinking just to see her...simply because alcohol ain't really that good for health.
Everything was going on smoothly...with a few friends trying to talk him out of this relationship as they see no future in it..the guy although fully understood his friends concern wanted to give it a shot. He even planned the entire future of them being together, down to the stage of the age to get married and the age of them having their first kid and after retirement where will they be going.
The guy had it all planned...and he realized this has never happen to him in his entire life. Never have him been so hardworking never have he plan anything further than what is he going to do next week....and never have he plan when he is going to get married and who is he going to spend his entire life with till the day he dies.
He was he in love? is he finally in love? is this what love feels like? Everything seems to be like a mirror image of the movie pretty women except the guy ain't as rich and he doesn't lives in a hotel and of course the girl ain't a hooker...well at least thats what he thought at first...
Finally problems starts to happen...the guy begin to realize the girl might have been lying to him regarding where she is at certain point in time and starting to doubt if she really ain't lying when she claims she hasn't slept with any of her customers.
The day eventually came where the guy caught the girl in action...never been so devastated...he broke down in tears....a guy never cries unless he is in great pain...and he felt the pain...its the pain of your love one betraying you and the guy who have never been in love in his entire life have finally got to experience the greatest pain in human history.
Ironically, he wasn't mad at the girl...cause the girl finally came clean with him...telling him every part of her history and everything the guy wanted to know. From the huge immerse pain he is feeling, he realize he truly and is finally in love and he decides to forgive the girl for lying to him. Well this came to a huge surprise even to him as he never believes in giving other a second chance especially in terms of a relationship.
There hardly was a quarrel, the entire conversation ended with the girl asking the guy a rather simple question, " Would you still be able to love me as much as before?" Without hesitation the guy replied with a firm yes. He knows if he would to let it go at that point in time he will regret for the rest of his life. He is not going to let his first love go without even giving it a second try.
But all happy moments must eventually comes to an end....the girl is returning to her homeland and it will be a couple of weeks before they can meet up again.
To make things worst...yes you got it...problems between starts to arise once more. The guy has always been rather accurate with his instinct...whenever he starts visualizing certain scenarios of the girl doing something that she is not suppose to came true...that whats happen previously. Thus as he experience the same instinct...immediately he hope he was wrong.
They were suppose to meet up on the day before she leave for country...but plans was scrapped as she wanted to do some last minute shopping with her sister. At first the guy didn't suspect a single thing but a series of lies finally got the guy suspecting.
On the night before she flies...he was waiting for her call so he could talk to her before she leave. Not wanting to sleep fearing he would miss any of her call...he waited from 1 till 5am...he tried calling but the phone was turn off....finally at 5.05am the phone got through..
The guy having been hurt once was slightly immune and start asking questions that have been bothering him for the past few days...well he finally got what he's been looking for..the truth..
The girl once again told him that she has been lying to him and she was out with another guy instead of her sister. Immediately the guy ask why...did she lied to him once again...does she knows how much the guy loves him and willing to sacrifice just to be with her?
The answer was simply...its because of money..she is doing it because of money..the guy went speechless...the day before she leaves the country he wasn't even able to spend the final few hours with her yet she is spending it with another guy who is probably richer than him.
The tremendous amount of sadness ironically didn't cause him to breakdown...his heart was shattered without any means of mending it...his worst nightmare came true...he was being betrayed by the same person twice...and its not just any person its his first true love....the love he have been looking for...the love that always eluded him and he so badly wants.
Having found it...he was betrayed by it not once by twice. The guy not knowing what to say laugh....and he then treated as if nothing have happen...but deep down he knows its over...he doesn't want to go through the pain and this path was too much for him to handle. The path of love he wanted so badly did not flow go through as smooth as he had expected.

Maybe he isn't ready for the love he have been looking for...not wanting the girl to be upset...he told her he ain't angry at all...he still loves her which he ain't lying but probably its not enough to save the relationship from crumbling. Its all over for him...he doesn't want to continue walking this very path that once brought him lots of happy moments and again pain.
The guy thou still bears a little hope of this relationship decides to call the girl and asked her if she had slept with the guy. Its a crucial overseas call for the guy as its either the beginning or ending of everything. The moment the call got through and was picked up...the guy realize he doesn't really wants to know if she had slept with the guy cause it doesn't matter to him anymore...instead he told the girl to take care of herself and bid her goodbye.
After that he decides to end this chapter of his life...and moving on with his next chapter....although the chapter ended with a disappointed it wasn't all that bad for the least he gets to know how is it like to be in love with someone. HE thus knows if he ain't able to love the next girl that comes into his life he will not start a chapter with her.
Not sure if this story is as touching as the previous few....Do leave your comments on this one...trying to push for a winner here!
Every girl he has been with he ain't confirm whether he is really in love or not. It just seems as thou he is going through the entire dating cycle without really 100% know if he is in love.
The day finally came in a scenario least expect by everyone! The story goes....Its a boring day for the guy, thus decides to go drinking with a couple of friends at a new club. As the night drew closer he met this girl that he kinda liked and they chat. Well this girl ain't a ordinary girl, she is a hostess working at the club jobs to approach clients like that guy and well you can more or less expect the rest.
Initially it was just some harmless fun between the guy and the girl, nothing much going love at first sight going on either...this is different from any hollywood love story.
However the plot doesn't drift that much, they did exchange numbers and since then the guy have been contacting the girl ever since. Well it ain't love just messaging for frens..
Well sadly or predictably the guy started to have some liking for the girl...but being rather skeptical about it since well...she is a hostess...nevertheless with lots of different situation that really drew them closer and closer.
It eventually pass the point of no return (PONR), that is the point where it will cause major heartache if they were to be seperated. The guy simply can't be at ease without seeing her or listening to her voice.
Yet the girl doesn't want the guy to hit the club as she doesn't want him to be constantly drinking just to see her...simply because alcohol ain't really that good for health.
Everything was going on smoothly...with a few friends trying to talk him out of this relationship as they see no future in it..the guy although fully understood his friends concern wanted to give it a shot. He even planned the entire future of them being together, down to the stage of the age to get married and the age of them having their first kid and after retirement where will they be going.
The guy had it all planned...and he realized this has never happen to him in his entire life. Never have him been so hardworking never have he plan anything further than what is he going to do next week....and never have he plan when he is going to get married and who is he going to spend his entire life with till the day he dies.
He was he in love? is he finally in love? is this what love feels like? Everything seems to be like a mirror image of the movie pretty women except the guy ain't as rich and he doesn't lives in a hotel and of course the girl ain't a hooker...well at least thats what he thought at first...
Finally problems starts to happen...the guy begin to realize the girl might have been lying to him regarding where she is at certain point in time and starting to doubt if she really ain't lying when she claims she hasn't slept with any of her customers.
The day eventually came where the guy caught the girl in action...never been so devastated...he broke down in tears....a guy never cries unless he is in great pain...and he felt the pain...its the pain of your love one betraying you and the guy who have never been in love in his entire life have finally got to experience the greatest pain in human history.
Ironically, he wasn't mad at the girl...cause the girl finally came clean with him...telling him every part of her history and everything the guy wanted to know. From the huge immerse pain he is feeling, he realize he truly and is finally in love and he decides to forgive the girl for lying to him. Well this came to a huge surprise even to him as he never believes in giving other a second chance especially in terms of a relationship.
There hardly was a quarrel, the entire conversation ended with the girl asking the guy a rather simple question, " Would you still be able to love me as much as before?" Without hesitation the guy replied with a firm yes. He knows if he would to let it go at that point in time he will regret for the rest of his life. He is not going to let his first love go without even giving it a second try.
But all happy moments must eventually comes to an end....the girl is returning to her homeland and it will be a couple of weeks before they can meet up again.
To make things worst...yes you got it...problems between starts to arise once more. The guy has always been rather accurate with his instinct...whenever he starts visualizing certain scenarios of the girl doing something that she is not suppose to came true...that whats happen previously. Thus as he experience the same instinct...immediately he hope he was wrong.
They were suppose to meet up on the day before she leave for country...but plans was scrapped as she wanted to do some last minute shopping with her sister. At first the guy didn't suspect a single thing but a series of lies finally got the guy suspecting.
On the night before she flies...he was waiting for her call so he could talk to her before she leave. Not wanting to sleep fearing he would miss any of her call...he waited from 1 till 5am...he tried calling but the phone was turn off....finally at 5.05am the phone got through..
The guy having been hurt once was slightly immune and start asking questions that have been bothering him for the past few days...well he finally got what he's been looking for..the truth..
The girl once again told him that she has been lying to him and she was out with another guy instead of her sister. Immediately the guy ask why...did she lied to him once again...does she knows how much the guy loves him and willing to sacrifice just to be with her?
The answer was simply...its because of money..she is doing it because of money..the guy went speechless...the day before she leaves the country he wasn't even able to spend the final few hours with her yet she is spending it with another guy who is probably richer than him.
The tremendous amount of sadness ironically didn't cause him to breakdown...his heart was shattered without any means of mending it...his worst nightmare came true...he was being betrayed by the same person twice...and its not just any person its his first true love....the love he have been looking for...the love that always eluded him and he so badly wants.
Having found it...he was betrayed by it not once by twice. The guy not knowing what to say laugh....and he then treated as if nothing have happen...but deep down he knows its over...he doesn't want to go through the pain and this path was too much for him to handle. The path of love he wanted so badly did not flow go through as smooth as he had expected.
Maybe he isn't ready for the love he have been looking for...not wanting the girl to be upset...he told her he ain't angry at all...he still loves her which he ain't lying but probably its not enough to save the relationship from crumbling. Its all over for him...he doesn't want to continue walking this very path that once brought him lots of happy moments and again pain.
The guy thou still bears a little hope of this relationship decides to call the girl and asked her if she had slept with the guy. Its a crucial overseas call for the guy as its either the beginning or ending of everything. The moment the call got through and was picked up...the guy realize he doesn't really wants to know if she had slept with the guy cause it doesn't matter to him anymore...instead he told the girl to take care of herself and bid her goodbye.
After that he decides to end this chapter of his life...and moving on with his next chapter....although the chapter ended with a disappointed it wasn't all that bad for the least he gets to know how is it like to be in love with someone. HE thus knows if he ain't able to love the next girl that comes into his life he will not start a chapter with her.
Not sure if this story is as touching as the previous few....Do leave your comments on this one...trying to push for a winner here!
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