Sunday, November 02, 2014

Hurt once again

I think I found out that they did it just over the weekend...

Just a couple days before she was still telling me she would push his hand away if he touches her pussy... Next thing over 1 weekend, he manage to get into her pants and finger her...

I am kinda upset... Because we were talking over the weekend and she assured me nothing happen and her mum was home all the while. I can't imagine that something would just happen out of no where.

Yes he initiate it... But to be wet enough to be fingered when she said she would swipe his hand away??  That really bruise my feelings.

The worst would be that it happen on a weekday the only weekday that she met him.. I sincerely hope not. Because if she did it on that weekday I will be super duper upset and definitely pissed. Because the day after she was complaining that she feels sore and painful and thus we can't do it... Gosh... I sincerely hope not.

I feel hurt now...


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