Thursday, January 22, 2009

A simple concept that I would love to share

A product can only be good if its prescribe correctly. That's the only simple theory i buy. I personally don't believe that there are bad products in the market. Cause overtime the so-called bad products should be wipe off and honestly...companies wanting to be competitive in the industry ain't going to waste time, money and effort in designing something that sucks and would be detrimental to their potential clients.

BUT does it mean since there are all "good" products it doesn't matter which one i choose? Think again...A drug can only get as good as the person who prescribe it. Would one consider paracetamol a drug that relieves headache a bad drug? Well if its bad it would not be selling...authorities would be anxiously trying to get it off the shelves.

The only reason its still in the market because its a "good" drug...useful too.. but does it mean if you are suffering from food poisioning...paracetamol would be useful to you? I guess not...

Thus yes every product in the market is good...but whether does it suit your needs and meet your objective is what we should think about.

You see...drugs and products are similar in a way...they both serve a fact they both serve a single same purpose that is to solve your problem. And it should solve your problems and it should meet its purpose that it is design for.

But when it doesn't solve the problem..who's fault is it? Would you blame the pharmaceutical company if the drug ain't solving your problem? well maybe...but most of the time...people or patients would blame the doctor...

NOW how do you determine if a doctor is a good one or not? simple..whether he/she solves your problem or not. If i see a doctor because of food poisoning and at the end of the day...after taking his/her's prescription my problem is solved...i would say he/she is a fantastic doctor...SIMPLE as that.

BUT if by the end of the stomach remains bloated for days..and problem ain't solved! then its either i go see another doctor or i wanna try again...going back to the same doctor and telling that my problem ain't solve hoping he would do the right thing this time. Well sometimes we give them the benefit of the doubt thinking...MAYBE just MAYBE its the drugs fault not the fine doctor.

As an adviser it works the same way...the product your purchase can only get as good as the person who advise you on it. now now...i am talking about a adviser not a salesperson...notice that i didn't say the word sold you the product...nope nope...

And if at the end of the have a need and the product specifically meet your needs...then can you call it a good product..a fantastic product.

Thats all i have got to the end of the day...i only talk about simple things...facts that are easy to graps...nothing spectacular or anything complicated...

Hope everyone who read this buy my concept. Thanks.

Monday, January 12, 2009


We have finally done it! After years of trying to be like the west we have finally done it. We are now like the west in terms of economy yet retaining the much treasured Asian culture. There is a saying that goes when the sun rise from the east it will eventually ends at the west.

Now you must be thinking what have this got to do with singapore's current economy condition? Well actually nothing much!

But what i am going to say is....being the first Asian country to be in recession it only mean one thing, we have successfully turn into a financial hub that is tightly connected to the west. Then you must be thinking why is HK spared? Well simple...HK isn't really spared just not yet Because they mainly trade with The greater China. And now with China feeling the impact of the western recession, HK will probably follow suit with China tumbling down.

Singapore is like a middlemen in the world of trade...only earning when the countries from both sides of the world are trading. When countries at two sides of the world ship their goods to each other passing through us.

We have the knowledge as our people are seriously...pretty high...almost everyone goes to school in this small but well managed country.

So till the west starts to pull themselves together...there isn't anyone we could really depend on right now. I mean seriously chinese from the rural area are all flocking to the cities in china when the economy is propering...but now with factory closing and these people losing their jobs....they have got no choice but to return home and....honestly...these people have no other skills beside maybe farming. But is there enough land for all these farmers? IF there would only mean there ain't enough farmers previously when the economy is rising...however since there isn't any complains of serious food shortages...with a sudden influx of all these returning would only mean farmers earning much lesser....

NOW....wouldn't that be a probably? I mean farmers are already earning miserable with supply of workers increasing...would it mean...they are going to earn an even more miserable pay? This is so going to be a unrise will then start....well i ain't sure but its just a guess..

Now china can't save the world...not yet at least.....its true they are the only country that are having a higher level of growth...but its like playing a RPG game... A level 50 character would probably need a longer time to get to the next level as compared to a Level 5 character. But does that mean the level 50 character is worst of than a level 5 character?

I beg to differ. SO what if china is the only country to be having growth? They ought to...they have been lagging for a far too long period of fact they ain't growing if you were to compare relatively...they are merely doing a catching up from a negative figure....If USA is at level 1, China would probably be at level -8. So would you say China is doing well even thou its growing? Think about it again.

China has the largest population in the world...BUT whats the use if all these people ain't doing anything useful? Most of these people cant even meet their basic are they going to boost the economy of the fact they need very much all the help they can get from the west..

So please people stop putting so much hope on china...hoping they will rescue the world and theye are going to be totally immune to the downturn....wake up your idea... Probably in the future....but for the next 10 will still be the west...

Then we having people arguing....the west cannot be self sufficient...because they are in too much debt....well...debt only helps one to grow beyond their when you remove the debt will just continue to shrink till it reaches the capabilites..

Thats the same with the USA. And to say USA has a much lower capabilities than China would be a wrong statement. Cause...they both in fact have the same capabilities....

Anyway....we are doom.. but we might be the first to recover...depending on the west

Thursday, January 08, 2009

The similarities and differences between an adviser and a summon officer. ( AD. included)

There are lots of similarities and definitely differences between a financial advisor and a summon officer!

Lets talk about whats similar first.
First all all both work requires real hardwork as a advisers you got to meet clients talk to them and highlight the problem to them...and then all the paperwork so on and so forth.

As for a summon officer you too have lots of hardwork, you travel from carpark to carpark reading those complex coupon and tiny dates and timing and some mutherphuckers even try to cheat their way by reusing their coupons..and as a summon officer you have a to really focus on every an eagle on its prey!

Then for both pays to be hardworking. commission is being paid for every case closed for an adviser and same for summon officer for every fine issued and paid up.

Both jobs requires you to be avoided by others at all cost. Seeing you is like seeing a devil that has surface from the very depth of hell.

And lastly both jobs ain't really in they are jobs that most people wouldnt like to do.

Now after all the smilarities lets talk about the KEY differences.

The only key differences that i would like to highlight is an adviser's derive pleasure when a client's problem is solved and when the sum assured is delievered to the client in times of need. Thats when you derieve the ulitmate pleasure and motivation to continue working.

Now as for a summon officer...the ulitimate pleasure comes when you spot a car without summon and after issuing a summon you saw the driver running towards his car in despair and the look on the mutherphuckers face is pricless...the anguish on his face the displeasure and all the anger totally drives a summon officer crazy...they just love it when others are in pain..when others are in suffering from the fine they have to pay!

So at the end of the day WHY be a adviser and derive pleasure from someone else being thankful towards you WHEN you can derive the same ultimate pleasure from someone else suffering, pain and discomfort.

Both are hated by people, both are hardwork...but as a financial adviser you get satisfaction when you see a family getting a claim that they really need to pull through the for a summon office you get ultimate pleasure when you see the god damn mutherphucker pissed off face when he/she recieved the summon! thats what i call life....others people's misery! PURE pleasure!

People do put some thoughts into it and trust me NOW its time to change your jobs! get off your seats and hit the carparks and your life would be just FINE.

P.S. actually both at the end of the day requires the client to suffer from discomfort one way or another. But as an adviser discomfort immediately follows by thankfullness...well the latter, right after discomfort comes a mixed of feelings.....anger, regret and lots of 3 word poem!

After typing so much i guess it would be only right for me to tell you what are the potential pay structure for a summon officer. Its a job that doesn't pays you basic, only commission. For every fines issued and paid up you will be entitled to 10% of it. So to say a $30 fine your commission would be $3.

Sounds unattractive? well but do think about it...what are your potential clients out there? The market is ever growing and it has vast potential. Like our summon officer's logo, " A minute off is a dollar earn"

As long as their coupon expire by just a get the money! so come join us and start rolling in big bucks from the day you start! On simple traffic rules course have to be taken and license will be issued by the traffic police within a few come on people! JOIN US AND YOUR LIFE WILL BE JUST FINE!

For more info, feel free to call the fine hotline 1800-1-am-just-fine. Walk in interview and minimum a O'level qualifications.

Its damn lots of hardwork but all matters is it pays off at the end of the day when AH Gong issue me my paycheck of few thousand dollars!

The truth about the govt budget

Now with the economy shrinking and recession kicking in...the govt is eagerly increasing their own spending...well is it a good plan? I would say definately. why?

Simply because one someone spend money, that money would be earned by another and spend again by the same looking at the flow...the original pieces of money would have changed hands a few times and more than one person would have earn that amount of money... in a way the govt is trying to give money to everyone. Its call the muliplier effect but what i am going to write about ain't economics...i don't write serious shit..

What i am going to talk about is...where do the govt get the increase in spending from? Does the govt print more money or borrow more money or dig into their reserves or increase tax?

Well the ans is none of the above... the govt try to balance the increase in spending with the increase in parking fines issued!

YES you see it right!!! This year's budget will see an increase in 2 things....govt spending in helping economy and income from PARKING FINES!

Well i won't say the govt is wrong...since its a rather legitimate way of earning extra revenue....have never seen summon officer working so hard in their entire life! I guess their pay structure has been a full commission based and every fines issued and paid up they will get a 20% cut out of it!

So for every $30 dollars fine you paid they will get 6 dollars! And if they are super hardworking...i assured you that they will become millionaires in like a few years people! Just head down to all the fav. illegal parking places and wah la!

So with a rather not soo good looking economy infront of us i urge my friends to change their job into this line. Well there is always a saying if you want to be things others don't like to do...Because if you are out to be likeable by everyone, you will never be successful.

SO be a jerk! be a bitch! go out there issue summon for a living and BE rich!