Friday, September 29, 2006

NO freedom of speech????

Are we really lacking of freedom of speech? Come on...i don't think so...I mean...if you say something bad about someone else...then come on get prepared to be sued!

Should you be scared of the government? come on!! they are like your some way...would you like to challenge your parents after they have done for you? look around the world...okie maybe not around the world..just look around southeast asia...if our government didn't got really strict on us...and plan everything for us..would you singaporeans get a change to look down or pity people from other countries?

We are so ungrateful...we want this and that..yet we don't want to price that comes after it!! Then you will be thinking...then..why can the amercians have all the freedom they want and why can't we? then why do they have bigger dicks than you? if you like to compare so much...then compare why do their girls have bigger boobs and why ours don't?

come on! they have a freaking long history and they gone through lots to attain that kinda freedom...what history do you have as compared to them? you have nothing...our nation is like a kindergarden to others...and i am not saying wow the americans are great and no...i am just listing an example...

what i am saying appreciative...and stop complaining that you need more freedom of speech. you already have lots of it...and if you wan the government to continue to take care of your puny and ungrateful life...then stop complaining and stop asking for more.

I mean if you ain't born in singapore...well i kinda understand...but if you are born in singapore and you know your parents history and the story of your puny and RICH country...then i see no reason why you should doubt the government's work and well critic them...can you really do better?

ROME isn't build in a day...seriously...give the country sometime...don't rush it. we are stil young...but we are rich...but don't get complacent like me...whatever

Regarding the fact that what can be said and what can't be said...and you don't know what we people of the republic of singapore can talk about. Its really simple...why do you wanna go and insult other people? calling them names? I seriously don't think its a funny thing or nice thing to do...i mean take denmark for example..they make some really unnecessary stuff about other religion...and well yes it might be funny...but is it necessary? i don't think so....should the religion get angry? i got no comments...but the thing it necessary to mock at others so you can laugh about it? well i agree we sometimes mock at our friends...but this are all small matters as compared to sensitive and large scales thing..

Then you might be thinking why can't we poke fun of the government, race or religion like what we did to our friends....well the government your friend? IS race as a whole your good friend? Is other's religion your friend? the answer is NO.

Take for example..would your friend treat you few billlions on a large scales....? or would they treat you on a small scales...what you can do on a small scale doesn't mean you can do it on a large scales...

But if you think about it...IF you need a government then be prepare to lose some part of life its part of the equation...if your take something you got to give something. you can't add a figure to one side of the equation and not add the other side...

The government is like your parents...seriously... you can't expect your parents to not do anything for you...they are there to take care and discipline you, because they know whats good for you probably whats good for them too... So stop B!tching abour freedom of speech...gosh...this is so damn irritating...

And if you think i am sucking up to the government...well i don't see a reason to do so because...they don't even know who the fusk i am nor will they suddenly give me social benefits!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

masturbation vs the real thing *** FOR MATURE AUDIENCE ONLY***

well well well...Is masturbation really better than the actual thing? I have no idea...but...well it really depends...i think..

I mean sometimes when you do don't really manage to reach orgasm for both guys and girls...but infact its more for girls....for guys...the possibility of guys not reaching orgasm during "you know what" is ....well rather difficult but i ain't saying its not for me...well i didn't manage to cum for couple of times...and its not because i am no...its just... i zhai...(it means eh gan) oh for english speaking people it means (well tenacious will be a good word).

Ok enough about me...this isn't about me anyway. SO we have people saying well doing it yourself you can actually control the speed and pace and know.. but then again you can't really touch your partner when doing it...i mean touching yourself for a gay sounds really mean unless you have a body like a female i don't really foresee a guy can touch himself and imagine touching a girl. for girls wise i have no idea...cause i have never seen a girl masturbate...damn!

Anyway...imagination is really out of the question...come on...having $50 in your hands is totally different from having $50 in your mind. And again having your hands full with b00bs is different from having B00bs in your mind?

Now whats with the problem with doing it and why some people prefer masturbating as compared to the real thing? I seriously...well okie let me think about it...To me i only masturbate when...well i seriously have nothing better to do...and plus i am single and when i am in a bad mood or stress...

Now now enough about why people prefer masturbating...well the only reason i could really think of don't enjoy doing it with the person you are doing it with. And speaking from experience form a guys point of view...its because the guy care too much about satisfying the girl rather than satisfying himself. For example he would try veery hard to present his manhood..but going for pace or trying to hit the right spot...but the thing doesn't really necessary means the girl will be impress or satisfy...***caution*** doesn't appeal to all girls...some girls like it fast and blah blah blah....*** okie now...when you care too much about creating the perfect will end up getting it all wrong and in the end no one enjoy themseleves and it becomes a disaapointment plus awkward! ****personal note*** i am seriously speaking from experience***.

Now now...i am not saying a guy should just shoot and no...your girlfriend is not a wh0re! beside you shouldn't be wasting your money on a wh0re when what you want is to shoot and go...just do it yourself be your own right-hand man and it will save you some money. Like what my brather would say...if you feel like visiting the brothel, Take out a 50 dollar note grab it in your one hand and masturbate with another hand after you shoot you will feel satisfy and you will also realise you still have the 50 dollars with you. ***caution*** i am not asking you to masturbate with the 50 dollar not..its well not clean!

now now how are you going to enjoy yourself when doing it? I ain't going to tell or teach you...this isn't a p0rn website or anything like this i am not into adult's story neither am i here to satisfy your greatest wank off and go try it with your girl again!

Now this discussion about masturbation vs the real thing has come to an end. I guess...anything else you will see part 2

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

My complaint letter to DELL

I am one of your customer who is currently slightly unhappy about the delay in delivery. I am not sure how many days its going to take, but i check the website on monday it says 19th of sept, then the follow day it became 20th and then 21st follow by 22nd today. Is this a trend?

Second there is this lady who call me on monday claming she is from dell and she needs to verify my card details before they ship the laptop out, i totally understand this but then i told hee to call me 2 hours later, she didn't call till this morning. Then again i had something on and asked her to call again in 2 hours time and guess what no calls from her. I don't know if she is the one causing the shipment to be delayed!

I called dell singapore and they insist that there isn't a problem with the payments and card details so what is all this dragging? I don't think it has got to do with the unavailable of parts or assembling, because my order status clealy states that the good has been assemble and ready to shipped out. Unless you are going to tell me the website isn't showing the right information which then again proves that there is something wrong with the efficieny of the company.

I don't wish to make a big fuss thats why i thought its better to send you a mail since you are my salesperson. But I don't think i would like my order to be send to me next week. Anything later than friday i would really wish i haven't order dell. Can you please do something about this issue for me? thanks!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Singaporean proverbs

I am sick and tired about proverb from other countries...why can't we a country with limited history come out with a couple of proverb ourself?

Here goes...oh the saying says....

1. When the sun shine, the water evaporates!
2. When there is rain, there will be river!
3. When some girl wearing short skirt walks up the stairs, look up!
4. Great talker gets the girls!
5. When the going gets tough, forget about it!
6. When there is a will, there must be death!
7. First CUM, LOSER!
8. Pain and Love is only seperated by a thin line!
9. Regetting over a mistake doesn't help, but its better than not doing anything!
10. If you think you are good, You ain't!
11. He who hesitates lose the girl..!

Enough of proverbs..kinda sick of it already...anyway never never say the words "I LOVE YOU" when you are not sure....because i swear these 3 words are very precious.

So don't say these words when you can't fulfil these 3 words..

Monday, September 18, 2006

Spoilt Brat!

I hate spoil brat! And thats why i hate myself!

If you can't even take care of your own self..why do you wanna drag someone else together with you? I just don't get it! I know you wanna be with your love ones...but...come one! if you can't even survive on your own how are you gonna take care of someone else? damn! Seriously...some people are just pure dumb...but what can i say...its just a drama!

Sometimes..or most of the time i think i am the only child in the family...damn! sister is such a burden...i mean she doesn't do anything to benedit me at all...well maybe sometimes she do can help me out...but its really nothing much...the thing is...she doesn't even talk to me at all....well...yah...everytime i tried to start a conversation...she will just try her very best to ignore me! well..i think she is missing out on something really important...

I don't need her but she needs me! I don't get all these people...they think they can just ignore me and only talk to me when they need my help...i mean yes i agree thats what most people do...but comeon!! at least try not to make it so me sister!

I mean when i am talking to her at least she can try to entertain me by replying and stiff like that...but by completely ignoring me and expecting me to help her when she does most of the time...thats really a dumb move to make!

Now she thinks her friends is going to be closer to her than her family...well maybe our family isn't the close type and in fact it might be splitting up...but that doesn't mean her friends are going to be worth more than her very own family... well its up to her to make her own decision...i am not the kinda guy who would gives solutions to others

Now now talking about my dell...i could have really made a big fuss about it...but i dont know why...but i can't seems to summon enough angery to refute the salesperson...nah...will just let it go.....

When will my letter reaches the country? damn its been 14 days already...tomorrow is the it really that specific...its says 13-15 days...and must it really be 15 days? damn!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

I am just typing

I believe it has nothing to do with genes..its more of the environment you grew up in!

Take me for dad has always been a bad temper guy overwhelming his frustrations whenever he is unhappy at work or under stress...thus...what can i say...i grew up to be guy exactly like him...well i tried to change..i know its bad to have a temper...i swear..i seriously know its bad...i tried to control it...i tried not to be like my dad....but well its just happen...i won't blame it on his sperm...i doubt so...i seriously think its more of the environment rather than inborn..

Another thing...i always know took me something to face it and now i am facing it....i guess...i always knew i was a naive guy...and utterly do things rashly without much consideration....actually no matter how much consideration i put into making a simple decision..there will always be doubt and i will never be 100% sure of making the right decision. which in the end i will regret the very decision.

Maybe i shouldn't put too much consideration when i make a the end it will turn out okie...well i am naive..

Now i am trying to adapt to life without msn..and probably life without the computer althought i think its almost impossible...okie maybe i will drop the idea of not using the computer i need it..besides now i kinda got 2 comps with me...and...its better that i should use it more frequently...damn

damn damn i seriouslu have no idea what i am gonna do with my old and new comp....i mean the worst thing old comp doesn't even worth much....damn damn damn...see what i mean...i have now having problems on what i am going to do with my new comp now.. am i going to transfer my files from my old com to the new one? or should i just transfer the whole harddisk over? actually i should just bother all these stuff myself...

Oh one more think...i am feeling so inferior all these time...damn...why can't i just have more confidence in myself...why can't i just not be bothered about what other think?

Nothing but confidence is the one that make one successful!

I might have finally found what i really like doing....i was lying to myself the whole time...i am niot cut for finance...i am not cut for allocating capital and stuff like these...i thought i love thigns like that...but i don't...its kinda like a nuisance for me...its too much trouble for me...i has always been forcing myself to enjoy it...cause i know its quite cool to be telling people you are into finance and stuff but come on who am i kidding...i will play no part in that market..i will not gain a foothold in the fact i might never succeed being in that field...i will forever be a person who hate work and be medicore in everything i do.

I am a person who loves to make people laugh...loves to see people enjoy being with me...I love when others can look up to me and think i am entertaining...but who am i kidding again...lets face it...we all got to eat and buy stuff we like...i will never get off this material life that way...i love this life and i am leaving it with every part of my material is me...i live for it...

But sometimes i really do envy those who can just travel around and not be bother by anything..its so so so cool...and here i sound like college girls..

okie its late go get some sleep

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Ans to some question...

We need to focus on what we are doing! seriously...we have been diversifying too much of our attention on too many stuff...its like we have to concentrate on just one single thing at one time....damn okie its just me...

i am definately not a person who can diversify my limit amount of resource over too many applications...its like when i kiss i can't do anything else....

I realise when i am focus on one single thing i will tend to not be able to do anything else...well...but the problem is i tend to not only focus on just one thing. I tend to...try to over stretch my resources and the end nothing was wonder i couldn't get any girls....because instead of justing knowing and using all my charm on just one single girl...i tried to spread my puny limited amount of charm over a few piece of bread....i have no idea why bread but thats the only thing that comes to my whatever..

damn...why did my computer have to be down? freak! now i can only hide behind my sister's computer and hide behind her shadows totally under her discretion...damn damn damn...i hate this feeling of not having my own say...especially when i can't tell my sister what to do...actually i could just tell her that she is ban from using computer till i get mine...but being a really nice brother that i am...i couldn't bare to stoop to that low level to do that kinda call me mr nice brother...i know i sister is really lucky to have a brother like me...she must have done soemthing really right in her past life!

oh...jerry's fren was kinda curious why guys like us remain single and not even a single girlfriend? well the ans is really simple...its because of a number of factors..

1. We don't look beyond the looks and body and into the inner beauty of the girl...we kinda rank character last..well the inner beauty we look into would probably be the lingerie! yes yes thats how shallow we are...actually i ain't as shallow as before...last time i use to only look at butt and looks! now i even look at tighs, butt, boobs and well i have what my fren would say...giv us another 3 years.

2. Like i said before...we can't focus on just one girl...we keep going around and knowing different people that we only made surface friends and not under the surface friends. argh...whatever you get what i mean...

3. We are jerks that seriusly need to be raped by pretty girls....rascal that is who we are...totally jerks and rascal...need to be punish...badly...but seriously...we are not into the whole slave and master thing...i am not really very good in enduring pain...pain is the last thing i would no pain thanks.

4. and i think probably lastly...girls don't really like guys like us...we crap too much...too lame to be true...but..hey we are funy kinda lame not those lame lame loser... at least we think we are funny and some girls do get our jokes...once in a hate guys like us! those girls who find us attractive...well noormally we don't find that i say we are jerks! but of course there are cases where its goes both ways...girls who find us attractive also appeal to us in a great deal.

okie...i am running laptop with probably 70% of battery left and its kinda late so its only right that i should get some sleep...sleeping late will cause you to grow old and althought i do look young...i may actually be quite old within...cause damn! the so called ring tone that can be only heard by teenagers and not by adults..well let just say i have never heard how it sounds like...probably my tv sound system is really bad...need to upgrade to a better tv soon..

is there reaLLY hell? oh what the hell

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The common factor

I was looking through certain stuff and i realise something common among my previous no...not anything about their looks or figures...but something else..

When i say EX. i mean we already have broke realise that none of them actually put my pic on any of their websites...i mean...its not really compulsory...but...come on...i mean...we didn't break up in a bad way...its rather peaceful i think...but...not having any pics of us being together is kidna disappointing...

Sharon have NONE of my pic on her friendster...and others have none too...the latest would be alex..and she has none too...come on! I mean i won't say i am the best looking guy around...but i am definately not william hung! I think i do deserve some space on that if you happen to read this piece of sh!t....hopefully you would take pity of this little chap and fufill his little wish...

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

What i really really want

After some deep consideration i finally know what i want! yes! i need someone who i can talk to everynow and then...someone who is free in the afternoon during school days and free on weekends!

So i can seriously sms each other meet up in the afternoon after sch to have fun...movies drinks and just talk...i think thats what i want at this point in time...not any career!

Career is seriously not in my head yet...i can't simply force myself to think that i need to earn money as in now! I need to have fun and not treat my life that seriously fun fun is what i need!

Anyway the thought of tattooing my shoulder blade simple cross my mmind today...but the problem is i do not know what letters or designs or characters should i tattoo on my shoulderS!

I used to want to putting the word SINGAPORE on my calf...but then...i erase the idea off my mind right after "they" decided to recall me for reservist!

Now i am thinking of tattooing my chinese name on my right arm...think it would be pretty cool...i hope! or The word vittu on my middle finger! yeah! probably i should do that...that sounds pretty interesting to me...erm...good all i need is to consult my adviser...JERRY...and probably trying to get him to tattoo some stuff on him too

Actually maybe we should actually try it with temp ink....just incase we kinda regret it after and i don't think i can take pain..on my body..thats why i don't think i will get my ear really not my kinda thing....

And singapore is going to play CHINA today...somehow i doubt singapore is going to win...but...well...we might as well be there to check out how they lose and have fun out of it!


when the strong wind blow!
Short skirt in the air!
All the cocks rise in the battalion sqaure!

Panties all around!
Never let you down!
Cause we are all from the SAF!

I have given it some serious thought and decided that i shall reframe myself from looking at pretty girls...why tempt myself when i don't even dare to appraoch these gorgeous ladies?...It will only make myself suffer more than i am already suffering for nothing having enough gorgeous ladies around me!

Anyway i seriously have a problem with getting attracted to blonde girls these day...i wonder why! erm....I mean alex isn't there really isn't any clue why i am attracted to blonde girls...but its not any blonde girls...i doubt i can take chinese blonde....its more of caucasian blonde...well...probably caucasian blonde reminds me of my glory days!

Move on move on move on Move on move on move on Move on move on move on Move on move on move on Move on move on move on Move on move on move on Move on move on move on Move on move on move on Move on move on move on Move on move on move on Move on move on move on Move on move on move on

Sunday, September 03, 2006

World Peace? come on!

I was watching news and i realise...well i doubt there will be world contestant from beauty contest stop wishing for world peace. How can here be peace in this world when....the war is within?

Our hearts are not peaceful...Is most of population in this world monks, priest, nun or whatever...come matter what we do there is be conflict wihtin our own mind and soul.

The world's most powerful country will always think other country is a matter which country it is..There will always be conflict because everyone is selfish...animals are selfish...animals who isn't corrupted by the greed of this society is also selfish.

Its animal instinct that more is merrier and sharing your food with someone else will only do yourself no good.

See even animals who are "clean" is evolved to be like we human who have been dunk and deep into the flith of the society can't be any much better...seriously...

So don't wish for world peace it will neevr you must be smart a$$ what's the solution for upon problems!! well IF i were to come out with the solution that i personally think can't be solved...well call me god people...

But sadly i am in this world of dirty filthy soil and have fun. Like i do not know who said it..."life is like sex, enjoy it while you still can"