Thursday, June 29, 2006

fusk you all who think i am a joke!

I am totally sick and tired of the fact that people don't treat me seriously...thinking i am just a joke and all...thinking i only ask stupid question! fusk you all!

Fine if you want a only serious me...i will be a only serious me and no fun at all! whats wrong with asking dumb question at mrt when you have nothing to do? its fo fun...dumb question are not for dumb people its for people to relax and laugh and then forget...its not to say hey iam asking a dumb question and i am its for laughter..

so only comedians can do stupid stuff? so only comedians can say dumb stuff!!...thats bullocks! dumb question are for everyone...even smart people...its just a way to get one relax and laugh over something...damn you all who think i am nothing but a joke! damn you all!

anyway why do smart people doesn't excel in school? well...according to my theory its because they don't understands other people's theory...they don't make sense out of it...thats why they come out with their own and then became famous...nowadays in start others theory...and learn it by don't even question just know okie differentiation of 2x is = to one question why...or doubt it...( I am just giving an example here...thus we only live in the shadows of others....while these so-called genius who some dropped out of school...they are doing stuff they understand and they want to understand it more..right to the root of the doesn't have anything to do with this topic of the post...

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

RECORD of the day and V-powereD

Alright currently i am holding the personal record of 2 days not masturbating!! yeah..and this will go long till my friend decided to stop smoking...unless...well...a girl is willing to have sex with me...then sorry pals...when a man got to release a man got to release....but till then...don't worry the strike will go on...

ermm...well people i am starting work soon...yes back to where kate is working...backto that boring place...well i don't really have the choice...i mean my attachment to kate is too strong..i just need to go back to her...look at her listen to so funn jokes...and well...get close to her..but it will only be for a month...damn!!

Kinda half-hearted thou...i mean...the onyl thing that excits me would be i am going to see kate and get extra allowance...but the thing that is pulling me back is....well...i need to wakeup early and yes do mundane stuff like filing...checking customer's particular and yes it will be boring!

And it will take up most of my time since...i mean...i need to juggle betweeen work and worldcup and lan...and bowling....and sex...

But sex is just a minority so it doesn't reall matter...yes...damn...i wish sex was the 8-5 kinda thing...i mean can you imagine..having sex everdyay from 8 till 5 pm...and sometimes having to work OT? and sometimes even on sat...damn...i will run out of fuel to pump into the engine man...then fuel prices will increase from free now per 80 bucks per ball.

But seriously if anyone would wanna pay me to fuel them...i will still need to do some quality control way am i pumping fuel into anyone on the streets...althougth i use to pump it onto tissue or down the bowl...but..when it comes to has to be tip top quality...afterall i am V-POWERed (Vagina powered) must be thinking huh? i am a guy whats with being powered by the V word...well...i am being motivated by the V its as good as...powered by it...make sensE?

Oki...if you are a female please do not read the above...if you happen to read it before reading this part then its just fate that you read the above part and you shouldn't be disgusted...because its your fate to read whats above.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

stop smoking or else!!!!....

okie listen to me peoploe...i am trying to break my own personal record here for the longest number of hours not masturbating!!...well okie...hours sounds too short...the longest number of days not masturbating..and yes...this is it!!

starting from today...the record breaking feat starts now...yes it will be hard...but i am trying to prove to my brathers quitting smoking is possible...its the same as not brathers...stop smoking...don't cut short your life...cause its really really a sad thing to lose a friend....

Now i am kinda like having a strike...outside some parliament house or embassy trying to alter some rules or get some people to change some decisions...yes..i am like those people...

Just that..i am trying to get my friend to stop smoking by stop masturbating...!! so BRAthers of all smoking circle...stop smoking!!....

Things turns me on!

Things that would turn you on...well everyone has fetish...including me..right

Like some people like feet...which i seriously have no idea why but well who am i to discrimante against them?

As for me..i am a butt...person all my close friends know about it...well...if you have a really nice butt and cute face...please write to me...seriuosly want to get to know you better...

but recent years have change me a bit...well lots of different opinions from diff source kinda made me side track bit...i am more and more interested in better endowed boobs and well long sexy legs...but hey...i am still a butt person..

maybe 60% butt, 30% boobs and 10% legs! yes thats the ratio 6:3:1... if you have that kinda ratio rememebr write it. what are those things that turn you on? come one lets share...wait...there really isn't a way you can share it with me...well doesn't matter... i am just typing for fun!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

the art of flirting

The art of flirting....let see what can i talk about on this topic...

Well..seriously...i have never really successfully flirt in my life...i always ended up in a sent the wrong signal and all...but well..thats life... i am thinking on how to improve my flirting skills...i means..its fun to flirt...really...

Especially when you are bored and all..flirting gets you excited for no good reasons...actually there is a reason...because...erm...the person you are flirting saying things that gets you excited or..well...its like doing the unknown...its a process that gets everyone happy......

So...flirting isn't only for like singles..its for everyone...friends or foes...yes foe...enemy..u flirt with them...sleep with them and ditch them...thats life...anyway..healthy flirting is when no one gets flirt with a dog and the dog barks...wagging her tail and then everyone's fusking around...

Or you flirt with you friends...female friends not guy...then..she gets happy you gets happy and everything is fine...but unhealthy flirting is when it ended up in bed...and then...after doing totally feel bad about it...its like you feel you shouldn't even have slept with your are doom...its like...what the fusk! i slept with my friend...what am i gonna this point in one can help you except let the flirting gotten the better of now...what are you goona do?

Ditch your friend? or...well...propose that she becomes your girlfriend...and overtime stop flirting with her...because..well she isn't new to you a more vulgar term..she ain't fresh no you starts to look for other girls to flirt with and then...boom!! you started cheating on your girlfriend...and these are the effect of unhealthy flirting...get it?

Friday, June 23, 2006


Have you ever regret doing something? well as for me i have so many regrets that...i think my life is full of regrets....i would say i have more regrets then any satisfying moments..

Well lets go through my regrets...well...maybe lets not go back too far cause it will really take a very long time...

first regret would be..i ditch my girlfriend whom i believe would be the prettiest i would ever have....i mean the most pretty girl was presented to me and i just totally ignore it...well...yes so i guess i wont be having any pretty girl friend anymore...but lets hope its not that case!

second regret...erm...i sold stocks always at the very wrong time...well i just wanna bitch about that...nothing much...just lost couple of hundreds on shares well thats all...

lets more on to the third...erm... i regret not making more friends during secondary sch or poly...i just totally miss out on dating as a secondary sch student...and who knows...maybe i might even get laid...during secondary school if i were more out-going....

erm..lets see...fourth regret would be...not treating my girlfriend better...wait have i mention that before? well i owe her too yah...

fifth regret would be...not treating my mum better...well...i could have done help her do more to will happen...

sixith regret...erm...not having more girlfriends...i mean i totally did myself..a not knowing and sleeping with more pretty girls.. and girls with absolutly good will be my greatest regret i think..

Seventh..regret would be.. I didn't sleep with one of my secondary school teacher who i use to fantasize on..

eighth regret would be...let see...erm... treating all the girls i slept with badly...after like became a total can't believe i said that out...but hey...i am a changed man...totally..

ninth regret would be cheating on my girlfriend...i should never do anything like that ever again...its no no no fun...and i am so so so wrong..

tenth regret would be...damn it...i am like trying to sqeeuze out every single regret i have in my head....erm...not taking more money from my dad...when he is richer...not going to sch with my best fren at RMIT...not...approaching all the pretty girls i saw on the train, macdonalds and every other places...ultimatly..all the girls that i didn;t approach and now i totally regret...

THeories of the world

what are the speciality of mankind...what are you good at? Does everyone has a role in this merciless society create by our ancesters?

Well if you think about it..if you ain't of any use...well...basically you are not needed in this world. If things were being valued as how much effort its being put in to made it...then...everything in this world would have a value to it...but no....its no longer how it is...

Things are no longer valued as the value it has attached to it...its now value much others need it... The more you need something the more valuable it becomes..the less someone needs the specific item...regardless of how much effort is used in producing that item it has become a thing of the one cares about it...

Well i believe there is a theory to that...but i am not going to talk about it..only because i know nothing about it...i am just thinking

Back to what i wanted to touch is my role in thie society we live in? well..most of us spend years finding our role...while others know it the momment they know how to speak walk write and blah blah for mine..well i would say its a rather tough route to figure out which way i am going...only because i am being blinded by lots things around me!

Traps and misleading signs guiding me into the wrong direction of life...and i would say i am lost...welll normally people will says do the thing you really enjoy....well it sounds really easy..but...that is if you know what are the things you really enjoy and good at...

I love swimming...but i ain't good at will be a hobby rather than an living...i love bowling..but then again...not good...i love to play basketball...and i totally sucked at it..worst still people thought i was playing netball...I love making people laugh...but then again i am shy..i love...impressing people with my knowledge...yet i don't really have much knowledge to what am i gonna be!

I love money...but damn it...who does? oh this bring me to something i really wish to talk about...whenever someone says god damn it! a christian would be pissed of...saying please...don't insult my god...or use his name!! i mean comone!!!! does it necessary mean your god? must I a non christian when saying god damn it...mean i am refering to your god!! oh please...regardless of the fact that you only believe in one too...a non-christian believe in my god being the only i ain't really talking about your god...and please no point being pissed off over it...beside its just a matter of speech...

Ok...lets go back to finding our role in this society...actually i am think...we are all slaves to this world...when can someone stands out and says...damn it...we shall all not be slaves to these society and damn it... we shall all do what we want....besides killing each other,..because i am really scared of pain...but it will never really happen...because...we have come so far settig up this very society we live in and there is no way anyone would wanna throw all this behind and start a new world....

Being too knowledgable can cause one to be less tend to be lock into the theories of others...and tend not to think outside the spaces we live in...thats why... we are peaked...the humans have peaked...because...theories are now made more ready available to anyone in the world...i am not saying its not a good thing..but...when learning and reading on other will kinda sub-consiously..create a barrier preventing your mind from coming out with some other things out of the theory...

to put it in anothe way...would anyone dare to prove that sir isaac newton's theory is totally wrong? would rather tend to build on his theory rather then come out with a total diff theory... okie...please don't curse me...i am just giving an doesn't have to be newton...i know he is a great man...because he is so famous that i decided to use it him...

Thats bascially what i mean..there is pressure and mental barrier preventing one from challenging those powerful theories that now rule the earth...

Its kinda like in the past..where no one would dare to oppose those theories set by those great scientist...but now since theories are all shared worldwide..its like setting up a greater barrier around the world....argh...i dont know what i am talking about...forget it...ia m hot and be continued

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Driving are for guys and public transports are for girls!

PLEASE if you can't drive don't drive on the road! FOR the past 2 days i have been driving my sister to tampines and on my way there...damn bad drivers roam around the city people!

I ain't saying i am a bloody good driver but the least i won't cause so much nuisances as most of the bad drivers i encounter for the past few days!

for example...this LADY was at the wrong lane which was suppose to be turning right, but she wanted to go straigh she decided to change my lane! the worst thing is...she doesn't even signal! i mean damn it people! if you think by not signalling u are saving some battery power..then bloody hell don't drive! go take a bus!

I mean seriously if she would have signal i would have let her pass..since i was kinda in a pretty good mood..but she just cut into my lane without even whats her problem people? damn!

Situation number 2, this lorry cut into my lane while we are both turning right from the traffic junction... first...i bet he didn't check his mirror...second that fusker didn't even signal again...i mean...come signalling that troublesome? i mean...he was driving a japanese car with the signal at the right hand side of the steering wheeel!! its like so fusking convenient yet..HE ain't signalling! what the fusk! MY car signal is on the left hand side and i always make an effort to signal! NOW if you are even too lazy to just bloody signal! thenh fusking hell don't drive your fusking car!

situation 3! this fusking proton wira thought his car was some continental fusking big car that he can't drive pass the space i left for cars behind me to pass through since i am waiting for a lot....I mean seriously..a lorry can even drive pass me and he think its PROTON wira is big enough to get stuck behind...after he drove pass me he show me a gesture saying i was hindering his car...! fusking hell! if i wasn't waiting for a lot i would have get down the car and space his worthless piece of crap! fusking hell! if i were to see him again...i will deffinately tailgate him all the way and cause him to crash...hopefully he die...nah...i am not cursing...just..well...predicting...given his poor driving skills! all ladies out there who keep thinking why guys are always pinpointing female drivers saying they sucks at driving and stuff...while...let me explain...reason being...because you all suck! well okie maybe all is a strong word...we are talking about majority here...not at on the whole...looking at the macro level...ladies are bad drivers!

First they have no feelings for the brakes! then when changing lane..they don't bother to signal and they i would say....lack of guts! but there are good female drivers out there...but...seriously...and again i am talking about the macro not micro environment!

To wrap things out...if you think you are a hinderance to other please take public transports instead!...don't waste our time and make other like me angry...damn it!

Oh and the parking outside my house is getting more and more rampage! damn it! i had to call 999 so that i could get out! but even before the police came a nice boss asked his lorry driver to shift bit so i can get out...ultimately...these people are getting on my nerves! can't they just park in a way so that i can actually go out...i mean...if you are hindering my car movement don't you think you are actually being a nuisance...i really don't want to curse you all drivers who park in a way that actually hinder my car but...just hope you crash and die and visit the lord sooner than expected!

Monday, June 12, 2006

THE magic BOWL

The toilet bowl is such a fascinating is every changing and...yes it creates a whirlpool that devours almost anything that you put inside.

Its like humans wanting to be god so much that they create a device that can create a whirlpool and place it inside their own house!..

NOW we are all gods! everytime you crap or will get a chance to play god! flush those fusking stuff you ate the day before or this morning down and into the tunnel of no return!

seriously...i was really bored! nothing knowing what to do...can't sleep...having no inspiration till i went to my studio (the place where i sing, bath and sh!t..oh and pee) and while i was peeing...i look down at the toilet bowl and something hit me!

I realise i wasn't peeing straight into the bowl...some renegade manage to land outside the bowl and onto my studio floor! damn it...iw as i have to clean it...or wait...should i ask my maid to do it...nah it will stink the next morning better clean it i flush the toilet bowl and wash my hands and walk out of the studio and type this post...what did i forget to do?...who knows...fusk it

yah so...i realise the toilet bowl is a wonderful gives some inspiration when one is in need of one...other then that i seriously couldn't think of anything that it is use for....erm...let see...nah...can't think of any...fusk it again!

Oh...look at the time...its 13 mins pass midnight...and you guess what time is it? its winnie time!!...time to play some winnie!!!....i mean my winnie!! OKIE!!!!

OH someone just told me..i am damn good at that a compliment? i don't really know...erm...i will take it as she mean literatly? as in sh!tting....erm...i don't think so...i don't crap lots anyway...must drink more water!!

ANd i lost 3 kg..but its none of your business...oh and i ate 3 lamb chops and 1 beef steak...and its also none of your don't even think of........whatever

Saturday, June 10, 2006

WEAK mind

i just realise i can't really perform under stress! i mean i know how to solve the problem...but...damn...becos i was so stress out by the time constraint that i totally have mental block and no idea how to solve the bloody math problem!

After tha test...without the constraint...i was able to maximsise my talent and brain cells and thus solve the equation without even looking at the question!

Thus i conclude i am no good with stress! damn it! 5 marks gone down the drain...time is definately not on my side here! i really know how to solve that problem...its damn easy!

is there a method where you can improve your mind to cope under a time constraint? erm...let see... well... i know i can shoot under time constraint...u know what i mean..

erm...i think there is nothing i can do..i think my mind is weak! because whenever i see pretty girls with nice legs or nice figures...i lose control....and start to wonder!...think i have over few thousands of pics of ladies in my i can use everytime i mindrape someone...yap yap...thats life!

oh anyway my mind is weak...i can't control have a weak mind...but i will try to work on i will be resist to seduction.....but in the mean time...pls seduce me...gosh! i got to resist!! actually resistances is fultile!! so...don't resist...i accept ur seduction!!!

POWER = money, the other way round!

With money it comes power! power is everything to a person who has money!

Think of it...with lots of can do almost now...don't give me those ans like money can't buy health and blah blah blah stuff!! damn you poor people who thinks that!

Think about it...if you have no money and you are are you able to cuer yourself? but if you have money yet sick then...its a different thing! so money is power!

It enables you to cure yourself when you are sick! of course with the help of greedy doctors! are saying you can be happy being poor too...of course...if your frens are all rich and they keep treating you...of course you are happy!...don't lie to yourself in this pragmatic world!!...its nearly impossible to be happy being poor..and i am talking about very poor!

well you can..i mean..enjoy things in life that doesn't requires playing with your winnie...and playing with your winnie again..

Actually playing with winnie requires at least need water to clean up and that requires you to pay some bills before they give you some water!

so being poor is not really very enjoyable..i ain't teaching people to look at money as the only source of life..and work towards it...actually...erm...yes i is power..and with power nothing is all you people work towards your only goal!! money!! money money!

Oh..yah...just are saying..helping people makes one happy and you don't have to have money to do can be true too...but... i rather have money then helping people while getting happy from it..

Of course with lots of money without friends is money must come with freinds and then leading you to power!

example..look at that fusker bush! he is rich thats why he has the poweR! but he has no friends...but like i say i am willing to be his friend! so i will know what he thinks and...damn..i will be rich too...damn damn damn fusk fusk fusk!

If bush ask you to play with his winnie what will you do? i will do it...and...tape it and impreach him! so...erm...i will be famous and rich becos i will sell the vid to all kinda source and the middleeast where they will love to watch...saddam will laugh his head off..and play with his winnie at the same time!

Well...its all crap...i only play with my own winnie..and no one else! keep your winnie to yourself...b!tch...and take my winnie out from your mouth...i don't share with guys..! play with your own!

what is power to infinity and you will get money...why i don't know..i just happen to type it out..without much consideration...damn...i think i will fail my maths!

The WAY to relieves buildup stress

AS the market goes down and down together with my savings i know...i am accumulating more and more stress...i figure if i don't relieve stress soon enough i will end up in the aslyum...

What should i do to relieve stress? then i figure...since i am so bored...and market is doing so badly..lets check out some porn...well...that is how it all started!

The tunnel to enlightenment! no way am i kidding...its through...well not the porn...but...the word is masturbation!

Yes yes i know all experts has already said masturbation relieve stress...but would you believe things others said if you haven't tried it yourself? and no...its not the first time i masturbate...the thing is...its diff when u masturbate becos you are stress...its prove the point where its reduce the pressure built up in your head! your ur d!ckhead but your real head!

It makes you go easy on life...and releax...but...pls...over dosage of relaxation is no good to your will dry up your well..and no matter how much of drilling you will never find crude oil ever again. so please people...moderation..

oh you must be thinking does this apply to both male and female...if i have a puss...and a winnie then i will nod my head and say...yes...its for both...but i don' i can't figure out and test the female part and conclude that masturbation relieves stress for ladies too...

actualy if i have both winnie and puss...i can fusk myself...damn thats disgusting!! who the hell gave me that thought? damn it!...

So to summaries...guys treasure your winnie its your life and your route to enlightenment. Ladies feel free to share your experiment on whether masturbation relieves stress for ladies!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

MOANING over not having girls!

to all the guys out there who keep moaning about how you can't get girls!! well its just because you are too lazy!

Girls are attracted to effort...and effort presents themselves in may ways....for example..have you wonder why guys who playes in a band attract so many babes? well...reason being...yes they have skill and no they dopn't have to be good looking...most important...because they put effort in what they are doing and that makes them looks attractive!

Think again...ever wonder why some fat ugly guy gets those model like girls surrounding them? Because either they put in effort making these ladies laugh or they have some special talent which they put in effort to master!

Talent and skills are well...let say the "thing" that babes are attracted to...but...more indepth..its the effort these guys puts in master this skills and talent that made them...attractive...

Haven't you heard of then phrase women are attracted to serious guys? yes...guys looks best when they are being serious at their a guy playing a guitar seriously...singing serious and beautifully...

So you must be i have to go learn guitar or pick up a skill therfore i can attractive to!

By putting in effort to really woo a also makes one attractive..hey..i mean..its effort putting in too..right? so....yes you will be equally you don't really have to pick up a skills join a band or be somebody in order make you attractive...just be serious in what you really want.

Like if you really want the serious and put in all your effort into her...i won't say deffinately but the chances of her...looking past your looks and into your effort and projecting yourself as a attractive guy is quite high!

Oh then you must be thinking how come guys who being in the band attracts so many girls yet if i have to put in all my effort i only get one does make sense doesn't it?

Think about are only putting in and showing your effort to this girl...yet...guys playing in band..are putting in effort and showing it to whole lots of girls...beside...its a effort whichy involve into a skill...where else yours will just be pure effort!

So don't complain! And if you are looking for fling..this post and i can't really help you cause...i haven't suceed in having one myself!

DO you really need love?

Do you really need love or just a companion? just having someone to be with you talk to you play with you and share stuff with you?

Seriously at this very point in my life...i would say i would only want a companion rather than love! love encompass too much responsibility inside it...gosh! Its too troublesome. I just need someone to be there with me..whenever i am down or a friend...or some sort...

Don't you realise when you are having fun with your friends you don't really want a gf with you? thats because you ain't looking for love you are just looking for a companion...and when your friends satisfy your search for a companion...your urge of wanting to have a gf kinda disappear...but when you are alone...feeling comes to realise...hey damn...i think i need a gf...i need love...say say say!! thats a common misundertanding...

Like i say it isn't love you need...its just companionship! someone there to make you feel complete at that very moment. Well you must be thinking..then does it mean even a guy companion will will if being with him...doesn't make you feel all guys...we prefer a girl to be the all of us horny bast@rds out there...we wanna hug kiss our companion..i mean...comeon lets be pragmatic...i mean who wouldn't want a friend who could satisfy you mentally and physcially..damn...i have said it...

But its not always what you want that you get in life! no no no...its kinda...erm..well...i would say...if you want it badly you have to work very hard for it. so as for me being such a lazy guy...i think my friends will be enough...doesn't have to be a girl who can satisfy me joke...and i am not gay...its just that...maybe my laziness is empowering my hornies...pressing it down and ruling over my mind!

Thus as at this stage...just friends who i enjoy being out with...will stop me from thinking " I need love".

Oh just to clarify...doesn't mean that all my friends are guys..i do have female friends...whom i have no intention of having a physical relationship joke! i ain't kidding...well you can say i grow up...or older or mature...last time..i use to think hey...its not really possible to have a friendship with the opposite sex..comeon!! its all lie!

Well i still think that! but...maybe not to the extreme end...i would say i have slacken up the idea a now...i believe there are friends between the oppposite sex..where its possible not to have any physical activity going on! you know what i mean! i am not all horny and no friendship! my head has kinda fight up against my other use to be one head rules the its...2 heads...with the bigger head in control at times! i won't say most of the time cause....well i am still young...

I am actually trying to make this post longer by feeling it up with non sensical this very sentence i am typing right has no meaning to what so ever i have type in the above nor has any relationship to this post..i just feel i am obiligate to extend this post longer so it makes me feel better and maybe makes this post funnier than the not so funny topic i have touch on above...i realise most of you will probably not read this last part as you think this post is too long and for having short attention span like me...well...its probably logical i won't even finish reading the first paragraph of my own post.

Ok enough of ones going to read this stuff anyway...its too serious its not me! i am funny! am i? yes i am!