what are the speciality of mankind...what are you good at? Does everyone has a role in this merciless society create by our ancesters?
Well if you think about it..if you ain't of any use...well...basically you are not needed in this world. If things were being valued as how much effort its being put in to made it...then...everything in this world would have a value to it...but no....its no longer how it is...
Things are no longer valued as the value it has attached to it...its now value as..how much others need it... The more you need something the more valuable it becomes..the less someone needs the specific item...regardless of how much effort is used in producing that item it has become a thing of the past...no one cares about it...
Well i believe there is a theory to that...but i am not going to talk about it..only because i know nothing about it...i am just thinking
Back to what i wanted to touch on..so...what is my role in thie society we live in? well..most of us spend years finding our role...while others know it the momment they know how to speak walk write and blah blah blah....as for mine..well i would say its a rather tough route to figure out which way i am going...only because i am being blinded by lots things around me!
Traps and misleading signs guiding me into the wrong direction of life...and i would say i am lost...welll normally people will says do the thing you really enjoy....well it sounds really easy..but...that is if you know what are the things you really enjoy and good at...
I love swimming...but i ain't good at it...so..it will be a hobby rather than an living...i love bowling..but then again...not good...i love to play basketball...and i totally sucked at it..worst still people thought i was playing netball...I love making people laugh...but then again i am shy..i love...impressing people with my knowledge...yet i don't really have much knowledge to share...well..damn...so what am i gonna be!
I love money...but damn it...who does? oh this bring me to something i really wish to talk about...whenever someone says god damn it! a christian would be pissed of...saying please...don't insult my god...or use his name!! i mean comone!!!! does it necessary mean your god? must I a non christian when saying god damn it...mean i am refering to your god!! oh please...regardless of the fact that you only believe in one god...me too...a non-christian believe in my god being the only god...so i ain't really talking about your god...and please no point being pissed off over it...beside its just a matter of speech...
Ok...lets go back to finding our role in this society...actually i am think...we are all slaves to this world...when can someone stands out and says...damn it...we shall all not be slaves to these society and damn it... we shall all do what we want....besides killing each other,..because i am really scared of pain...but it will never really happen...because...we have come so far settig up this very society we live in and there is no way anyone would wanna throw all this behind and start a new world....
Being too knowledgable can cause one to be less creative...because...erm...you tend to be lock into the theories of others...and tend not to think outside the spaces we live in...thats why... we are peaked...the humans have peaked...because...theories are now made more ready available to anyone in the world...i am not saying its not a good thing..but...when learning and reading on other theories..you will kinda sub-consiously..create a barrier preventing your mind from coming out with some other things out of the theory...
to put it in anothe way...would anyone dare to prove that sir isaac newton's theory is totally wrong? deffinately...no...people would rather tend to build on his theory rather then come out with a total diff theory... okie...please don't curse me...i am just giving an example...it doesn't have to be newton...i know he is a great man...because he is so famous that i decided to use it him...
Thats bascially what i mean..there is pressure and mental barrier preventing one from challenging those powerful theories that now rule the earth...
Its kinda like in the past..where no one would dare to oppose those theories set by those great scientist...but now since theories are all shared worldwide..its like setting up a greater barrier around the world....argh...i dont know what i am talking about...forget it...ia m hot and irritated...to be continued