Monday, March 17, 2008

A pretty nice poem

Sometimes i wish i was a diamond ring
upon a maiden's lovely hand
And every time she wipe herself
I see the lovely promise land

A little nice poem to share with you people...ain't it sweet...

The journey was full of up and well some down....the down was pretty bad...and it was as bad as i imagine....pretty bad....

But managed to recover..well..ain't i some lucky....anyway all is yet confirm whether its still 100%...but although being conned a couple of times...i still pretty much have faith in it....why is that so?

Some people call it feeling...or hweeling....well...either which...its pretty strong...well at least strong enough to make be a believer! Yes i am a believer!....but...come to think about it...nothing is 100% till its probably proven to till its proven...its not 100%

Now its probably a good time to devise a test if its real...more or less have a plan in mind...but...who when and how to go ahead with it would pose a major problem and probably the greatest glitch that could happen...

Now now...i need accomplice and....actually thats all i need...i need someone i have never met before...its a difficult position...i need someone who look rather rich...well..we don't want any suspicion... age isn't a matter but actually i would prefer someone older rather than one of the same age as me...

Although all i need is an accomplice...its really hard to find someone willing to commit in getting this plan to work...i mean..what will they get out of it? unless i am willing to offer a sum of money then it will probably be a different matter...But the underlying fact is i ain't willing to pay any sum of money to anyone helping me...

Can we advertise it as a charitable event? i seriously need some help...or else sleep would definitely elude me till its settled. Well its mine future...and why should others care? unless...they are willing to spare me some pity...which i normally doesn't really appreciate till now...

Any MALE between the age 25 - 35 willing to help me out please...let me know i am seriously in need...and the job scope i would say is...well pretty relaxing...don't really have to do much besides being willing to spend money drinking and...erm...and some PR skills...thats all i need...thanks

The Army creed!

Man...After 5 days of deep thoughts...i finally come out with something that is able to describe our days in the army!

Lets call it the SAF creed..and here it goes:

We are the unwilling

Led by the unworthy

To do the unecessary

For the ungrateful

Well i believe all those been through the army would more or less agree with the creed... most of us are unwilling to join the army...and seriously....most of the leaders ain't worthy leaders....and comeon!! you think its necessary? And lastly....please do not disagree with me the fact that most of the singaporeans ain't appreciative or in other words they are rather ungrateful bunch of brats! Especially the girls! disgusting!

Well I hope all my brathers will hold their heads up high and recite after me during reservist!~ hooray!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

How not to get ditch

Tomorrow is D-day....the Day where everything would happen can happen. The day where my record of haven't been ditch yet...might come true...

Currently a clean record....still have yet to get never know people...things like this will just pop up from no where and attack you when you least expected...thats the scary part of being will never see it coming...

Well if you see it coming it will be called a mutual breakup... not being ditch.

so being ditch...really is scary one wants to go through with it...not even if you don't really like the person no more...its bruise to the ego and a punch in the face people...

Its a sad truth but the world is cruel...its either ditch or get got to strike first hits you...seriously....never let your guard down..

Ways to prevent being ditch...:

1) Always keep track of the situation....even the slightest tell tale sign should set you on high alert..

2) Never sink in too deep (sad to say I have fallen prey to this can be really hard for guys with full of emotions like me...tough luck)

3) Always prepare to let it go when necessary (sad to say again...I am always a prey of this...where is my luck)

4) Never hold yourself back when all the signs tell you its coming..( yes yes again i somehow manage to disobey this rule of mine again...congrats to myself)

5) The most important rule of all...never enter into a relationship...

well people say you will not know till you enter into one...but to be ain't sure EVEN if you enter into one...You will never know if its going to last till it last...

Thus everytime you enter into one you are taking a huge i said ain't going to see the end of the tunnel till you are at the end of the marriage are 100% no ain't gonna know till it happens...and when that 100% comes its also the end of the journey...thats probably when you die...or your partner dies...which in the end will provide you with immerse pain and no pleasure..

And if it didn't work out as expected...well you will still experience immerse pain and no its a lose lose situation...why bother jump in and be a fool like me? go figure it out.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

My perfect funeral!

I ain't sure if i mention about this before...but...erm...what if one day...a friend of yours passed away...ok let it be me...and i wonder how many of my friends will be inform about my death.

Let see...i mean seriously no one would know...its like even if they happen to call my mobile and i don't picked it up...they wouldn't have consider the fact that I am way...(unless they really wanted it that way)

SO unless friends who knows my house number...and called looking for mum would probably tell him/her that oh andy's dead few months ago...gosh...thats i think rather tragic..

Imagine calling someone looking for him and realize he has been dead for like a few months and you didn't even get to see him for the last time...erm...maybe it ain't that sad if you ain't that close to that person...

I am seriously..thinking who is gonna come to my first girlfriend Sharon? Alex?(nah...doubt she will fly back just to see a dead person, anyway its only 2 months) Qian li? Thi Be?

Maybe i should have a list of people that might come to my funeral, here are those i think will pay to see my dead body:

Ben Lee - If he doesn't come I will personally haunt him!

Junwei - Well he should come with a couple of people like....

Youjie - Yah with the guy above and the guy above the guy above...

Darren Han - Well maybe due to his shift work he might come at a diff day...ain't sure

Ben Wong - I am sure he will come...nice dude..

Eddy - given we were on the same team...he should visit me....(better)

Justin - oh he would probably come with junwei

Binwen a.k.a brenz - well this guy...he might be too busy to attend my funeral...kidding

Vincent - unless my wake is held at jurong....then again can't be that heartless

Beng - Given that I am such a helpful person to him during army...he should repay me by visiting my dead body

Jerry - like the first guy...I will haunt him if he doesn't.

Adrian - He and his girlfriend better come and see me for the last time

Ck - should come...probably not with his girlfriend...ain't close...yet

Andy - well if adrian and Ck told him about it

Yida - same as above

weixiang - this one confirm haunt!

Did i missed anyone? ain't sure...but seriously...if you are coming please look sad and...donate more money... Thanks in greatest gratitude to all of you coming! cheers!

Well I am ok with mahjong session...but ain't sure if my mum allows it...curry chicken should be available unless my aunt decide to go with vegetarian meals....which is highly possible...

Well i will try to put it in my will that curry chicken should be served...ain't no problem..

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Travel alone!

My dream of traveling alone would eventually be coming through...its probably a way of growing up....but i fear for the worst.. life ain't been to the bottom of the pit and like they say...if you haven't been to the worst you ain't gonna bounce back...actually i don't know who said those words...but i just thought of it.

Traveling alone is just one step of venturing into the unknown...the second step would be venturing into the unknown and getting hurt big time....if i survive this trip..i am sure i will be return a better man...

Better in terms of what? ain't sure...but...i mean...if its really the bottom of the pit i am sure it can't get any worst than that right? so anything slightly better than the worst is definitely better.

Now how worst can it get...well i ain't sure...actually...i have having great expectation from this trip...i don't really consider it being a learning experience....i am just giving another possibility that it might be going the other direction instead of the one i am hoping for.

Its Murphy's law...what goes wrong can goes you never know....i am expecting a 80% probability of fun and 20% of worst case scenario.

They said love if not about possessing the person....but seeing the person happy.....i think that bullshit is truly about possessing and being with the person and making everything possible to make the person you love happy....and that exclude giving her away...

Think about it...if you are letting her are sending her into the unknown...what makes you think the other guy will be nice to her? I mean are you that guy? well you don't know that for sure...

Well but there is always an exception....that is...if she doesn't love you at all...then it really make sense to not irritate her....stop being a nuisance and bug one likes a bugger! Especially one that doesn't get the hint...

Anyway slight derail there....talking about my travel alone. TO BE HONEST i hope the 20% doesn't....pessimism strikes when least expected.

Pray...!! wait i don't believe in god....but still i will pray......!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The truth and possible hideout...

I have been thinking...well given singapore tight security...and high citizen awareness its really tough that Mr. selamat hasn't been really doesn't make sense at all.

Plus even he is hidden in the jungle...these places are also dominated by the SAF or illegal Bangladesh brothels..

The only possible place that Mr. selamat is would be the detention centre. In might all be a misunderstanding..

Think about this scenario...Mr. selamat went to the toilet at Blk 2 instead of the Blk 1 he was suppose to go. Then as the guards couldn't find him at the Blk 1 toilet...they assume him being a dangerous terrorist might have escape...thus they call for a lock down of the entire detention centre...

Cleaning aunties were told to lock up all the toilets...and as being told the auntie locked up all the just happens Mr selamat being tired from all those shitting fell asleep and stayed in the toilet.

Ultimately....the truth is Mr. Dear SELAMAT is still in the toilet at BLK 2. And no one knows about it...well you might be thinking he might have shout for help and people might have heard him.....then again t possibilities...

1. no one is at the detention centre...everyone is out to find someone who is in the centre.

2. They thought the toilet is haunted...well its common to have haunted happen in camp and it will happen in detention centre too..

All these are just my might not be true....enjoy..

Monday, March 03, 2008

A date on saturday afternoon

Went out for lunch together...sat down drink and chat.....the guy mention that he is going through divorce and telling the girl how happy he was when they were together....

The guy asking to girl to be with him...after he settles his divorce with his ex wife....and kept on mentioning how he really likes her and wanting to be with her...

After a long talk of two hours....the girl decides that she wants to return home...And the guy oblige and send her home...

Halfway through the trip...the guy....ask the girl if she wants to go to the hotel with him....the girl agrees...and he drove to the hotel.

Upon reaching the place...they both alight and the guy held on to the girls hand and they walked into the hotel lobby.

The guy registered for a room and they went upstairs....opening the door entering the room..the girl asked the guy to go clean himself up...

The moment the guy came out she was already on the bed wrapped up under the blanket.. While the guy having a towel wrapping the lower part of his body...

He approached the bed and lean forward to kiss the girl...she reciprocate...but it didn't last long as the girl pulled back. He then starts to venture deep into the blanket in searching for treasure...

He found nothing as she is a girl...which is a blessing for the guy...then he starts to move further up and then...again he found nothing...which in this case ain't much of a blessing..

But still he was captivate up her good looks....again the guy approached wanting to kiss the girl but this time the girl just tighten her lips and peck the guy's mouth.

Then the girl gently held the guy by his arms and guide him above her....underneath the blanket..

Then he started rocking and rocking like a little boat in the sea at the beginning of a storm. As the storm comes...the boat started rocking hard and faster with the motion of the waves...

Eventually the rocking cease after the storm loses steam and releasing all its energy....calm waters follows...

The guy wanted to kiss the girl...yet again he was turn down by another tight lip peck..the guy unload himself off the girl and lay beside for a rest....The girl went to wash up straight after the guy moved aside.

The guy being a rather satisfied guy...lay there recuperating while waiting for the girl to finish cleaning up. She returns and now its his turn.

The whole process lasted almost an hour and as they left the hotel, the guy was still holding on to the girls hand...they both got into the car and the guy drove the girl home.

Upon reaching the girls flat....she saw her boyfriend waiting right underneath her block for her...she panicked and asked the guy to drive in further into the carpark to avoid meeting her boyfriend.

She got off the car and walk towards the stairs that lead to her unit....

The guy after alighting the girl drove off but being worried that she might get into trouble decides to drop her a message asking if everything is alright....

The end.....This one has a happy ending at least for the guy who manage to rock the boat..