This is a repost from my old bulletin...well its pretty popular so i am bringing it over and hopefully bring in some crowd too..
Message: Caution this topic is not for girls, if you want to
read it don't get offended.
ok..normally only girls get pickup...the reason can
be seriously linked to the supply and demand of
the whole gender curve...
think about it...there are more demand for girls
than there are demand for guys...guys are horny
homosapiens...they will do anything just to get
laid...females on the other hand...doesn't
really..want that kinda thing...they prefer to make
love...out of thin air...don't ask me what that
means i only let my fingers do the talking!
Anyway since the demand for girls is outrageously
higher than the demand for guys.. so girls are
obviously more expensive...ask any econs lecturer
or husband.
Thus there is no need for any lesson or guidelines
to pick up guys... but if you really need one...the
most obvious one is..wanna sleep with me (which
is a rather gentle or demure way of saying wanna
fusk?) and trust me...the success rate would be
more or less around 400%..
Ok chucking guys aside..while picking the
underlying stock....or girls.. you got to first check
out her fundamentals. Typically the Assets vs the
liabilities! of course like any other stock... the
bigger the assets the better! it will provide you with
more returns! unlike doing research on a company
assets can be easily spoted while liabilites are bit
more diffifcult.
You as a value investor got to balance the assets
and liabilites.. liabilities include things like...current
or long term. current would be the short term
quarrels or courtship funds so on and so forth..well
long term would be all of the current lialibilites in
long term...
there are a couple of ratios to lookout for, ratios
like ROA(return on assets) check out the
efficiency of the girl or debt to equity ratio which
determines how much liability would it cost you if
she is your girl.
All these are just examples because different girls
have different characteristic..but you ought to
compare ratios with the same competitors from the
same catergory to be fair. e.g. singapore with
singapore and not singapore with japan. because
obviously its of different class and environment.
Next step would be to determine the intrinsic value
of the stock..this value is normally higher than the
true worth. this is actually the most difficult part to
grasp hold of thus you might need bit of luck and
lots of research.
Like the world renown investor warren buffet. Only
invest in stock that is undervalue. In the courtship
context, it would be only invest in girls that ain't
really pretty now but has the potential to become
really pretty...however many guys disagree with
this theory, while that is because of the different
time frame they had in mind. They would be
closely related to speculators instead of long term
investor who goes for the true value of the girl.
Thus, girls who normally hang out in clubs are girls
who have reached their nominal value or are fairly
price in other words they are already pretty and
has little chances of getting any prettier. the
chances of gaining short term returns are high but
not longterm.
However nowadays there are new theories of
qualitative measurement as compared to
quantitative measures. people are looking out more
on the quality of the behaviour and character rather
than the assets value. neverthless, no matter
which method you are using the ulitmate goal is to
achieve high returns.
Ultimately try not to be both a speculator and
invester at the same time, cause you will only be
robbing yourself of your own future.
prospectus or annual report like FHM, Playboy,
maxim, SNAG are good for personal research.